Greg Plitt was a motivational legend who had quite the inspirational journey. He was a bodybuilder, actor, speaker, model and American Army Ranger. During his infamous...
The best side hustle you can start in 15 minutes is blogging. It can be writing, making videos or speaking about topics you love through a...
Focus is a hard thing to obtain. There are just so many things buzzing around in our heads. It’s the digital age we live in. I...
Last Friday was a bad day for me. I woke up late, missed the gym and didn’t meditate. None of this was intentional. I then turned...
Someone asked on the internet how they can make their country better. They considered themselves ordinary and felt that they had to be someone special to...
It’s that time of year again. It’s time for me to share what I learned this year — not for my benefit but for yours. You’re going to...
Feeling low? Think a new purchase is the answer to drastically improve your life? Buying something has never been the answer for me. What you need to drastically improve your...
I used to be a very anxious person. I was embarrassed by what I couldn’t do and every day was a struggle. From the moment I...
Many of you are running around like mad trying to manage your time. You’re reading productivity hacks, taking cold showers and waking up at 5 am. You’re...
Today I told my boss “I quit.” He wasn’t expecting it. He thought I’d be around for much longer. I mean who wouldn’t want to work with...
After being a ‘bank jock’ as one of my former clients put it, for the last seven years, I recently transitioned into a people leader role....
Last week there was some real lows. This week there have been some major highs. At one point, it looked like my career was down the...
Without having the facts, you could easily see success for what it isn’t: easy. Success is largely made up of your habits (go figure). What you...
When I was 25 years old, I became a gym junkie. I went four times a week and trained hard with a personal trainer. During that...
I’ve studied many of the successful writers and bloggers in my field. I put all of their success down to one thing above all else: just...
“Every decision you make affects someone very special: your future self” You’ve never met this person, but they are carrying the torch of your dreams. Life...
It’s time to put more hooty in your booty. Cancel drinks on Friday night. Forget about your hair coloring appointment with Vince on Saturday. Your ridiculous...
Do you know how many hundreds of times I wanted to give up? No, I’m not joking either. I’ve wanted to give up more than you’ve...
Never give up on your dream. Never give up on romance. Never give up on yourself. Most of all, never give up on life. The answer...
Success in any pursuit requires a mentally tough mind. You can have all the resources, but if your mind is a mess, you will fail. I’ve...
By reading autobiographies, you can get up close and personal with people that you may never meet in real life. A biography of someone’s life can...
So you’re burnt out and feeling down…I get it. You don’t feel like getting up at 4 am as I suggested and you would rather sleep...
Joel Brown (the founder of Addicted2Success) wrote more than 700 blog posts before he started seriously getting other people to contribute to the site. I tell you...
The most precious thing we have in our life is our dreams. Your dreams are unique to you, and no one has a dream that is...
Every activity you approach in life, and the energy you put behind it is linked to one very important thing; the state you are in at...
As some of you know I have just completed a 38-day fast to cure myself of chronic illness. I was inspired by Tyler Tolman’s interview here...
A strong body leads to a strong life. Strength physically can help you become more assertive, bold, and confident. Being in great shape leads to more...
Arnold Schwarzenegger shares his advice for all on how we can find true motivation for unbeatable success.
The power of music is mind blowing, music can be an incredible tool for motivation, especially in the gym, while your smashing out that next 12 km run...