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Success Advice

10 Tips to Set Empowering Goals and Achieve Them



goal setting

Do you set goals and fail to reach them? Don’t worry because Scranton University has shown a study that as high as 92% of people who set New Year resolutions fail to achieve them. Thus, you are not alone.

It is very common for people to set their goals and then forget about them. They thought that goal setting is a one-time thing. They write down their goals once and then never bother to do anything about them.

Here’s what you need to know, goal setting is a continuous work, and you have to do it every day if you want to join the 8% group who achieve their goals.

Below are the 10 tips that can help you set empowering goals and accomplish them:

1. Put down your goals into writing

I know you have read this a gazillion time, so take this as a reminder. When you write down your goals, you are making it more tangible and telling yourself that it is something important to achieve in your life. More importantly, you will activate the Law of Attraction by creating an intention for what you desire to accomplish.


2. Practice daily goal setting

To make it more powerful, write your top 10 goals every single day. Once you get up early in the morning, the first thing you should do before you start your day is to write down your goals. Brian Tracy, the best-selling author and success coach, did this every day, and this habit has transformed his life forever.

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins

3. Visualize the achievement of your goals

Do you know that professional athletes visualize their winnings constantly? It is difficult to go through your everyday life without being distracted. Therefore, you visualize your goals as being accomplished to keep yourself focused and motivated.

Visualization is one of the most powerful techniques you can use to boost your mental ability to reach for what you want. When you visualize the achievement of your goal, you will feel good about it. And when you feel good, you will want to take action and make your goal a reality.


4. Create a scoreboard

What do you need to do if you want to lose weight? The first step is to weigh yourself. You need to know where you are to formulate a plan to reach your goals. Most people never do this, and they wonder why they are not making progress. When you watch football or a basketball game, what do you look at the first thing? The scoreboard, why? The answer is simple; the scoreboard tells you the score, which game it is, who is winning and how much time is left. And this is what you need for your goals too.


5. Review your goals daily or weekly

You have to review your goals every day or do it at least every week. If you did not review your goals and your results, you would never know if you are making progress or if you are on the right track. You want to know if your effort is giving you the result you desire. If you are not producing the result, you either have to improve your strategy, or you have to work harder on it.


6. Practice the ‘Big 5′

What you need to do is to take five small steps that will lead you toward your goals each day. The steps can be as small as sending an email or making a phone call. Whatever you do, you must make sure you are taking action and moving toward your goals.

Most people fail here because they get distracted and never do anything about their goals. They say that they want to build an online business, but once they got back from work, all they do is watch TV or waste time surfing the internet mindlessly. The action is the bridge that connects your dream and your reality. If you want to achieve your goals and make your dreams a reality, take action.


7. Focus on the progress

Goal setting is important, but so is the progress. Most people fail to realize that it is the progress that gets them what they want, not their goals. Success is a journey, not a destination. If you want to lose weight, you must exercise. In this case, losing weight is your goal; exercise, workout and hitting the gym are the progress. So focus on the progress because the progress will get you what you want. The goal is just the result.


8. Build a productive habit

Once you understand that it is the progress that gets you moving, you have to turn it into your habit. Make it your habit to exercise and workout. If your goal is to write a book, focus on writing 500 words or 1000 words a day and then turn it into your habit.

What matters most is you are moving forward each day. We tend to overestimate ourselves at times, and whenever we fail to reach our goals, we feel like a failure. Thus, to prevent the inferior feeling, you must develop a productive habit that will keep you going no matter what happen.


9. Improve yourself

One important key to increasing the probability to achieving your goals is to improve yourself constantly. You want to learn better strategies and develop better plans to reach your goals effectively. This is why you need to read and learn constantly. Commit and spend at least 30 minutes to read books every day. Attend seminars and learn from other successful people as well.

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” – Winston Churchill 

10. Persist until you reach it

Never give up and never quit. Always remember this, a quitter will never win, and a winner will never quit. Do whatever it takes to reach your goals and never get distracted along the journey.

What tips would you give to help with goal setting? Leave your thoughts below!

Shawn Lim is the creator of ( and he’s a passionate blogger in the personal development industry who has inspired thousands to pursue their dreams and follow their passions. You can learn more about him plus download a free copy of his guidebook, Reach Your Goals on his website.

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