Why The Sunshine Makes You Feel Sensational

It’s not often that we contemplate the simple things in life like the sun. Have you ever just stopped for a second in this crazy, busy world to think about how the sun makes you feel? I did this the other day, and the article you’re about to read is a summary of my thoughts.
Success is the result of the peaks and troughs that make up our world. One day we are on top of the mountain and the next day we might be passed out on the floor from some random tragedy. As I wrote this article, I sat in my very plain office, soaked in the northern sun that shone on my face and hands.
The office is surrounded by a few bright green pot plants that breathe life into my lungs and into these words that I type for you out of my desire to inspire the world. The day after, the sun’s effects then hit me again as I journeyed on the famous Melbourne tramline.
The sun helps me to collect my thoughts and ponder what’s next. What is the meaning of everything that has transpired up until now? The sun is the calm before yet another storm of outlandish dreams, bold decisions, and an endless hope of achieving the impossible even though the strategies may not yet be known.
It’s time to go through the four ways that the sun makes us all feel sensational and why we should enjoy more of its goodness!
1. The sun makes us mindful
When you have your eyes closed meditating, and the sun starts to shine where you are sitting, the black, cold, darkness changes into a kind of bright red color. This is what it must be like for those who are born blind.
The sun shining on us tends to bring us back to the present moment. We all enjoy the sun because its effect is so simple. It reminds us of how lucky we are to be born during this time where we can do anything our mind can think of.
The influence from the sun’s glory makes us mindful even if we have no idea what the word means or are not consciously aware of what it is to be mindful.
2. The sun makes us forget about our problems
Whether you are buried in problems because you haven’t discovered your purpose yet, or you have just gone through a breakup as I have, the sun makes these problems disappear. Your problems won’t disappear forever. However, they will hide themselves from your thoughts for every second you spend in the presence of the sun.
What the sun does is bring us back to our childhood when we were so excited to sit on the beach and bask in the sun’s rays.
“The sun reminds us of how simple life is during childhood and why we shouldn’t let our adult lives become so complicated”
Why do we need all of these material possessions to make us happy? We don’t need them we have just been conditioned to think we do. No matter how deep your problems seem to be, the best thing you can do is escape for a brief trip to a location where you can be alone with the sun’s rays.
This might seem utterly ridiculous, but I promise you it will help you to forget your problems. Sometimes our mind needs a break.
We can’t forget our problems forever although we can spend enough time away from them to come up with our own strategies, in our own time, on how we can divorce them permanently. It’s this time with the sun that helps us get to the root cause of where our pain is stemming from.
3. The sun’s rays warm us up and make us feel good
I’m not talking here about lying in direct sun, I am more talking about when you are indoors, in the shade, and then the sun shines through the window onto your skin.
On a day when your life seems to be pretty normal, the sun shining on you changes everything. The feeling of the sun warming up your skin is unlike any sensation a human being can experience. When this event happens, it never lasts for long, so it teaches us to be more grateful when it does occur.
No matter how good or bad you are feeling in this moment, the warmth of the sun will change everything.
“The sun shining is an omen that good things are happening for you right now and that you don’t need to wait until some mystical point in the future, to feel as sensational as you do right now”
4. Sunlight makes you scientifically happier
Getting regular exposure to sunshine helps to increase your serotonin levels. If you don’t know what serotonin is, put simply, it’s a brain chemical that we all have that is responsible for making is feel happy and relaxed.
So all of this talk about sun is not some spiritual “wah wah” myth, it actually works. Stress can cripple us all no matter how much personal development and positive psychology content we consume. The sun is a way to combat the stress war with yourself and feel incredible.
You can’t do your best work, or chip away at your dream, when you are low on energy and feel horrible. It’s amazing how when you become more conscious of how you feel, and you look for strategies to improve your life, your success starts to compound. At first, my little sun hack seemed to be having no effect.
As time went on and I continued to enjoy the benefits of the sun, I read up on what was happening. I figured out that it wasn’t my imagination; the sun really was helping my success.
What do you love about the sun? Let me know in the comments section below or on my website and my Facebook.
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