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3 Things That Will Make Your Day Perfect – Even If Things Go Wrong



happy day
Image Credit | Joel Brown

Ever wonder if you will ever have a near perfect day? Something or someone always spoils it right?

Well You can. By following these 3 ‘things,’ you will have that perfect day.

Yes, even if things go wrong.


1. Wake up in quiet time

Meditation – Anyone can meditate and you don’t have to be a Zen master to begin either, sitting up in a comfortable position, close your eyes relax your body, be as still as you can, take 3 deep breaths and proceed with the following:

Give gratitude by thinking of 5 to 10 things you are grateful for.

Ask for guidance by thinking about you day ahead and ask the Universe for guidance, Protection and strength.

Send love to people that have upset you – forgive 2 people that have done you wrong in the past week and ask them to forgive you too.

The start to your day determines the rest of it so make a conscious decision to start off the day in a positive way, so the rest of the day will be perfect.


2. Be present as much as you can throughout your day

This will eliminate stress and worry because you will be focusing on the present moment not things that have happened in the past or future problems you think may occur. When you are present there is only ‘now’ and in that moment you may experience calmness, a sense of clarity and positive vibes.

Studies have revealed that being present and in the moment leads to well-being, whereas if you are constantly moving thoughts from the past and to the future, this can lead to states of unhappiness.

How to be present:


Focus on all that is around you – use your senses, listening to nature, the weather, birds singing and feeling your skin against you clothing are you working? Pay attention to the immediate task in front of you.


“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.” ~ Buddha


3. Do Your Best Today

This Idea to “do your best” has always stood out for me after reading The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, as one of the agreements. The idea of doing your best, will avoid self sabotaging ideas such as self-judgement and regret. Doing your best is taking the right action in any given day that is right for you and only you. You don’t need to compare yourself to other, you will only be sabotaging the moment.

There is no need to get a certain amount of things done by rushing, but go through your day doing everything to your best ability.


If things do go wrong it’s a choice how you deal with it you will either react or respond. Reacting is acting without thinking and responding on the other hand is thinking things through and choosing how you will deal with the situation. So even if your day doesn’t go as planned it doesn’t matter it’s your choice how you view things, circumstances and situations that may hinder the great day you were already having. If people upset you it’s their problem not your keep focused on what’s important.


How do you create your perfect day?

Leave your comments below.



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