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37 Life Lessons That Will Get Your Mind Right



mind right mindset for success
Image Credit | Joel Brown

Every moment in our life is an experience. We can either choose to learn something from them or let them pass us by.

Over the past year I have made a conscious effort to:

  • Stay curious
  • See the good

The reason?

Experiences help us develop a better perspective on life and I believe it is our perspective that determines our future success.

When seeing the good and staying curious, it will challenge us to learn from each experience. We will grow in ways we never thought possible. Adopting this mentality while working on building two companies has enhanced my perspective.

Below are the life lessons I have learned thus far:


37 Lessons Learned In Life


1. Life is NOT a marathon; it is a series of sprints.

2. You rarely have regrets when you have the courage to fail.

3. Focus on being productive, not busy.

4. Once you find your dream, risk everything to make it come true.

5. Your state of mind is the most important factor in the outcome of your life.

6. Those whose names are worth remembering never lived a life of ease.

7. You can take what life gives you or you can take what you want from life. Your choice.

8. It’s easy to get motivated but hard to stay disciplined.

9. Worrying never changes the outcome.

10. Most people quit because they look how far they have to go, not how far they have come.

11. If you don’t help yourself, you can’t help anyone else.

12. Judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are.

13. Beliefs give direction to your life.  Stand for something.

14. Find the good in others and you will find the good in yourself.

15. In order to have faith in your path, you do not need to prove that someone else’s path is wrong.

16. All change, even change for the better, will be accompanied by discomfort and hesitancy. Yet when you have an unrelenting belief in your mission, you charge ahead knowing everything will work out for the best.

17. If you’re going to do something, do something that matters.

18. You only have so much energy so stop wasting it by worrying about what others do or say. Keep doing what energizes you the most.

19. Your best friends should bring out the best in you.

20. Stop wishing to be something you are not.  Instead recognize that you are unique and there is no one else in the world like you.

21. Everyone faces obstacles. How you deal with those obstacles defines who you are and determines how successful you are in life.

22. Don’t sit around and wait for someone else to make the change you want to see.

23. If you want something bad enough, you will make the time for it regardless of how busy you may be.

24. Jealousy comes from counting others blessings instead of your own.

25. You are either going to go through the pain of disappointment or discipline in your life. The latter makes the pain worth it.

26. If you don’t start building your dream you will be hired by someone else to build theirs.

27. No one is fearless.  The difference between achievers and everyone else is that they take action despite their fears.

28. Be that friend and leader that everyone aspires to be like.

29. There will never be a perfect time so start today.

30. If what you do doesn’t make others better at what they do then you are not living up to your potential.

31. Everyone has what it takes. However most are not willing to give everything it takes to live out their dreams.

32. When you help someone accomplish something they never thought possible, it creates a ripple effect that positively influences the lives of many more.

33. If you treat others well and give each day your best, things start to work in your favor.

34. Trust actions not words.

35. The only moment that matters is the one that is happening right now.

36. Those who say it’s not about being the best know they will never be the best.

37. Want to know your past?  Look into your present conditions.  Want to know your future?  Look into your present actions.



Featured Image: GANT Rugger Team Americano Ad Campaign



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