Hi, it’s Tim again. Long time no speak. So I heard that you fell short again and missed out on your goal. Sucks doesn’t it? Now...
People like to say that it’s not the idea that matters, it’s the execution. That may be true to some extent but even the best ideas...
Dr Seuss said it well, “why fit in when you were born to stand out?” Throughout Dr Seuss books, he taught us about everything like courage,...
After taking a break overseas, I decided to take one final holiday from my actual holiday. This break involved going with a large group to the...
What do you think of when you hear Beyonce’s name? Is it her beauty, her interesting children’s names, her fortune, her talent, her serious work ethic,...
I had a last minute meeting appear in my diary late last Wednesday titled “Team Announcement.” Something told me that in a few hours everything was...
If someone offered to give you the drug Bradley Cooper took in “Limitless” would you take it? If you could swallow a pill that was 100%...
When you were a child, did you ever watch a movie and then reenact your own version of it? Did you ever let your imagination run...
People are inherently good. If you asked me what has changed the way I interact with everyone I meet, it’s this belief. Think about what your...
Why do some people seem to travel up the success ladder at warp speed, while you’re still stuck where you are? As frustrating as this can...
In the last 6 and a half years I have been fortunate enough to network with some of the world’s most successful leaders in my industry,...
There’s this dude at the office. He’s freaking unstoppable. His shit don’t stink and everything he touches turns to gold. At least that’s what I used...
Everyone has dreams. We all want to make something of ourselves yet it’s only a tiny percentage of people ever follow through. The self-help world encourages...
I’ve been in financial situations where I couldn’t even afford a pizza. I know what it’s like to have more money than you can spend. I...
We can’t help it. When we read an interview with a high flying, successful person, we secretly compare ourselves to them with our mind making little...
You’ve all met a person who’s a loser. Some people like the word and some people don’t but who really cares. Losers exist so deal with...
You don’t have to save the world to be fulfilled in life. I’m living proof. I love inspiring people, but I didn’t donate a million dollars...
Being human is bloody hard work. When you’re born, no one gives you a rulebook. There’s no manual for life or the body and mind you’ve...
Success is not that difficult to attain, but only if you are ready to make an effort. To live a successful life, it is important to...
There’s no denying the fact that you’re still scrolling down through social media because you’re looking to be inspired. Nonetheless, you know how it goes. You...
Are you ready to succeed? Are you having trouble getting there? Almost everyone in the world wants to be wildly successful but not everyone knows how....
That piece of paper you get after slaving away for years and going into huge amounts of debt doesn’t impress me. That acronym known as your...
Most aspiring entrepreneurs begin their journey with an idea of what it is they want to do. They have certain images of what this journey will...
Everyone tells me, “Tim work on your Personal Brand.” “Screw that!” I tell them. To me, when someone says “Personal Brand” what they really mean is...
How many of your decisions can be explained by: “That’s the way things are done”? Clayton Christensen, the world’s leading authority on the topic of disruptive...
I heard someone I know the other day say “cross your fingers for me.” Those who know me know that I wouldn’t do that if it...
Self-development is a cool trend, and modern culture has even created a cult around personal development. It is so powerful that we accept its doctrines without...
Let’s settle the debate once and for all. Which is more important? What you know or who you know? Well, as it turns out, it’s a...
As human beings, most of us have this tendency to overcomplicate things. Maybe you’ve had this experience of trying to find success, but for some reason,...
A few weeks ago, I met a woman that seriously changed my perspective. It was one of those chance encounters that I believe was meant to...