As a sales pro, it probably comes as no surprise to you that you are just as much a sales tool as the product or service...
Most people know about podcasts and their skyrocketing popularity. However, one unsung hero that continues to provide a useful application in many different areas of life...
Success does not come easy. It takes guts, vision, and perseverance. If you want to build a successful business, it is important to know that up...
Starting an online business has been a hot topic for the last few years. More and more people are trying out their luck to see if...
We’re stronger together than we are apart. Does that phrase sound trite? Maybe so, but it’s a fact. It’s also one of the main reasons entrepreneurs...
There are a lot of challenges that women are facing in the modern world. And it gets doubled when they try to break through the glass...
The business world is mostly dominated by men. But over the years, we’ve seen countless women entrepreneurs rise above expectations and defy norms. The number of...
When starting out, it is an uphill battle for many entrepreneurs to find their voice in their industry and get their business out there. Just like...
Social media may have been around for the better part of two decades, but society is still learning the effects such technology has on our mental...
You don’t really need to be the smartest person on the planet to be successful. Skills and personality play an important role in the success of...
In recent years the topics of the power of our thoughts and human potential have been studied more and more, both in the lab and real...
Recently a good friend of mine and I were sharing our New Year’s resolutions. Once she told me what she was planning, she also added that...
A few years ago, I was called in to help a young tech startup with some important business strategy. They were looking for help with their...
We’ve often said there is no exact formula for success. While that’s true, there are some definite steps you can take to move your business in...
Your brand is your fingerprint, your voice, your very essence of business being. It’s the sum total of everything you do, everything you offer, everything you...
How can entrepreneurs improve and maintain their edge in business? We can always improve and get better. We can never slack and think we’ve just got...
Entrepreneurs today are focusing on the financial challenges posed by COVID-19. Companies, no matter how digitalized, need to look beyond the immediate liquidity issues. What lessons...
Back in the day when I was growing up to be a young adult, my parents told me how important it was to work hard and...
Trust me, I know where you’re at. You’ve been sick and tired of doing something you don’t enjoy and you know that you have a greater...
“Wer will dass die Welt so bleibt, will nicht dass sie bleibt.” was said by Erich Fried. Translation – If you want the world to remain...
What if there was a way to turn 100% of prospect meetings into raving successes? What if you no longer dreaded them, but looked forward to...
Being a woman entrepreneur can be lonely in this traditionally male-dominated field. While the overall business knowledge is the same, the specific struggles that women entrepreneurs...
As an aspiring entrepreneur, business owner, or working professional, you don’t need a lot. You don’t have to come from money or have a million dollars...
As an entrepreneur, you might not be able to find time to read books with your busy lifestyle. In such cases, audiobooks can be a wonderful...
Like most others who start out on a completely new venture, I had no idea what I was doing. Sending 60 cold outreach messages a day,...
Starting a business is not easy. If it was, everyone and their mother would have one (spoiler alert: they don’t). According to the US Bureau of...
I’ve been an online entrepreneur for a little over fifteen years now. I’ve dabbled in a number of online ventures and I have seen many online...
The thought of packing up your life and moving to a new city can be overwhelming and scary. You are leaving the place you are familiar...
It seems like everyone these days is an entrepreneur. After all, anyone with a computer and an internet connection has the opportunities to serve a global...
Women today aren’t only homemakers; they’re money-makers, too. As each day passes, more women are dominating the business world. Companies like IBM, General Motors, and other...