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3 Reasons to Create a Private Podcast for Your Course



Image Credit: Unsplash

Most people know about podcasts and their skyrocketing popularity. However, one unsung hero that continues to provide a useful application in many different areas of life is the private podcast. Employers, teachers, and other leaders are increasingly choosing to use private podcasts as a new way to connect with their audience to get their messages across.

It’s a modern approach, but private podcasts have proven invaluable for those who create and maintain online courses. Here’s what you need to know about the benefits of creating a private podcast for your online course and the reasons you should consider starting one today.

A Private Podcast Can Transform the Way You Engage with Your Audience

Private podcasts truly are a wonderful option for course creators to share exclusive content in a way that’s protected. They are beneficial for building an engaged, authentic audience and attract students who are dedicated to completing the course. Private podcasts can also be used by creators to answer questions and directly interact with their students. This technology is changing the landscape of how students and creators are engaging through online courses.

A Podcast Can Take Your Course to a Whole New Level

Online courses have gained quite a bit of attention in recent years, and they’re especially attractive after Covid-19. Their flexibility and low costs allow these tools to be taken advantage of by practically anyone, but there’s a lot of competition out there. 

A large number of professional organizations, small businesses, and leaders have chosen to utilize online learning opportunities to reach their students. That’s why it’s so important for your course to stand out and attract attention. Providing a relevant and reliable private podcast for your students is one way to achieve this. In fact, the effort could take your course to a level you never before thought possible. These are the top three benefits that your course might see after introducing a private podcast. 

1. A Podcast Adds More Value to Your Course

Podcasts are incredibly easy to consume. They’re conversational, engaging, and a viable alternative to video. Private podcasts can be used to build a true relationship with the members of your audience, allowing them to feel a genuine bond with your brand and connect with you on a deeper level. Podcast listeners often develop a relationship with their favorite hosts, and this helps them enjoy the course more deeply and find more fulfillment in taking it.

“You just need one person to listen, get your message and pass it on to someone else. And, you’ve double your audience.” – Robert Gerrish

2. It Can Be An Easy Way to Meet Your Audience on Mobile

People are busy. They have work, families, hobbies, and other areas of life that demand their time and attention. In today’s busy world of go-go-go, it can be difficult for people to find time to sit down and complete a course. Modules and exercises quickly find themselves on the back burner, and eventually fall off the “to-do list” altogether. One way to prevent this from happening is through a private podcast. It’s time to make the old, “I didn’t have time,” excuse a thing of the past. 

Podcasts meet people where they are. They’re portable, easy to listen to, and can be taken virtually anywhere. Podcasts can be paused, listened to at any time of the day or night, and they allow the student to digest the information at their own pace. And, because private podcasts are tied to one unique email address, you never have to worry about who’s consuming your content. It is an incredible opportunity for course creators to consistently connect with their students, wherever they are. 

3. Podcasts Make it Easier for Students to Complete the Course

Looking at a gigantic course overview can feel overwhelming. It can bring to mind all of those other life commitments that we discussed earlier and hinder the student’s likelihood of completing the course. In the end, this hurts your course rating and limits the number of success stories available to you. Take a different path for your course. 

Private podcasts offer incredible support for online courses, breaking down ideas and concepts into different “episodes”, and exploring topics through conversation. They can be used to encourage students to complete the course and generate more success stories for you and your business. 

Not all podcasts have to be free and public, and they aren’t. There is an untold number of private podcasts out there, supporting people and providing value. Yours can be one of them!

Nora Sudduth is a leading program design and marketing strategist and co-founder of Hello Audio. She works with business owners, companies, and corporations to design and sell their unique flagship programs using the Flagship Formula™. Nora has designed, created, and marketed services, online courses, SaaS subscriptions, coaching, and certification programs that have generated over $500M in sales. Nora's consulting and genius is trusted by global brands such as Clickfunnels, Liberty Mutual, ExactTarget (before being acquired by Salesforce), Leverage, and more. She uses her over 20 years of experience in technology, engineering psychology, and marketing to increase market share, influence, and profitability. Her genius will also be featured as a partner in the upcoming Season 2 of “Four Days to Save the World”, The Social Movement (TV Series) on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, and more.

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