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Success Advice

How to Open New Doors of Opportunity and Wake Up Fulfilled



Image Credit: Unsplash

Everyone is screaming to live a meaningful life and do something that matters. You look on all the bookshelves and at social media influencers, it’s a common message to find your passion. It begs the question though, are those same people living the life they desire? I am sure many are living a life fulfilled but there are so many that aren’t.

If that was the case, we would not be fighting against an identity crisis. The majority of the world would not be living in stress, anxiety and wake up every morning fighting to get out of society’s imposed rat race. We know at a basic level that life is meant to be filled with excitement and that we desire to have an impact. 

The problem is that most individuals do not understand this, otherwise people would not continue to open up the same doors to life. Those doors include going to school, getting a degree, finding a job, getting married, having kids and then crossing your fingers that you work hard enough for 40-50 years in order to actually start enjoying your life!

The New Door of Opportunity

Yes, we do have an identity crisis and are struggling to win the battle against stress but the underlying issue is a lack of clarity. Clarity about who we are as individuals. Clarity about the type of life we want to live.

Clarity is not comparison! Comparison is confusion. Clarity is the first new door of opportunity you can give yourself today. The reality is that if you want more out of your life then you must change. You must change the image you hold of yourself. Do not be scared of change because with no clarity, no change and with no change comes no growth.

Here are the 3 Steps For Greater Clarity

Step 1: Vision

First, you must define and create a vivid vision of your future. Most people are sucked into the rat race of life because they have no mental image of what it is they desire. People are conforming to others beliefs, lifestyles and even the way they dress because they have not taken the time to decide what they want out of life.

When you form a clear picture of your future, it’s a boost in your own self-confidence. The confidence to walk away from people, places or opportunities that do not align with your future. On the flip side, it also gives you the confidence to reach out to people or opportunities that move you closer to who you want to become.

Many people never take the time to actually sit down and think about their future. They are stuck inside their fixed mindset and think that this is just as good as life is going to get. You are the creator of your future.

Take time today to define what you want your life to look like so that you can begin becoming that person. You do not become a millionaire after you make a million dollars. You become a millionaire in the years, months and days leading up to that moment.

“Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure.” – Tony Robbins

Step 2: Thoughts and Feelings

Once you have created the picture of your future self, what feelings will that bring to your life? Does your future self bring you more peace? Maybe joy and happiness? Even a greater sense of purpose and meaning?

Now you can begin writing down the feelings you want to experience everyday. Like so many people today, they crave more peace and less stress. You can not wake up everyday and stay addicted to your stressful thoughts and expect to gain peace of mind. What thoughts can you start thinking of today that will bring a greater feeling of relaxation.

Begin living as your future self. How would that person walk and talk? What would they eat? How would they experience life? As you start practicing those feelings everyday, it becomes a new excitement and energy booster. Just like you can become addicted to the feelings of stress. You can also become addicted to joy and excitement.

Step 3: Living Meaningful

The all important piece of life, we crave to live a meaningful life. This is determined by the actions and behaviors you take each day. What areas of your life are most meaningful? For some people, that might be giving back to charity or the local community. This could mean a multitude of things.

It can be in the form of a donation to a charity that impacted you or someone you love. It can also be volunteering to coach a little league baseball team because that ballpark had such an influence on you growing up. Here again, you must decide what is meaningful to you. Because as human beings, we all crave connection. In a world where we are virtually connected during all hours of the day, what we really crave is meaningful relationships.

Who could you reach out to today to strengthen a relationship with in your life? Not just a phone call or text but to go sit down and enjoy the human experience again. This might mean leaving your phone in the car during a night out and focusing on the people around you. That is a huge part of living meaningfully.

The greatest part about our lives is that we have the power of choice. We get to choose the lives we want to live. We have the power to become very clear about what we want to experience. You do not have to wait for anyone or anything. Do not wait until tomorrow to begin. Decide today what your life will look like a month from now, one year or five years. Your list and picture will change over time because you will grow as a person and greater clarity means greater growth. With new growth comes outstanding life experiences.

Ryan Romano is the Founder of Extreme Producers, a High Performance and Wellness company. He is a TEDx speaker and consultant with a focus on Mindset, Confidence and The Pursuit of Excellence. He has been featured in Thrive Global, The Good Men Project and consulted with universities including University of Alabama and Rutgers. You can find him on instagram @ryromano or website

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