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Success Advice

How Getting in Shape Taught Me the Secret to Building the Business of My Dreams



get into shape fit success
Joel Brown

Fame. Power. Wealth. If you are like me, you probably desire to attain one of the three attributes above (if not all three.) And as ambitious men and women part of the A2S community, we deserve all three.

That being said, there are certain laws you need to respect to achieve that level of awesomeness. And the biggest secret was taught to me when I finally decided to get in shape. The thing about fitness, is that you can’t cheat your way to be fit. You can’t get the results simply by getting lucky or showing up. You need to put in the work, consistently and until the very end.

That’s why it’s called working out. You either do the work to completion and succeed, or don’t work and get the results you deserve. This simple fact is certainly one of the most valuable lessons I have learned that has transformed my business, life and relationship success. As my mentor, and chief broking, John Romaniello, once said: “Half done is still very much not done, and there are no rewards for a half-saved princess”

Our Ancestors knew the true value of work

A few centuries ago our ancestors knew the true value of the word, work. If they half-hunted animals, they didn’t eat. If they half-built homes, they had no shelter. If they half-raised their children, there would be no one left to carry on the tribe.They had it hard and understood that it’s either put in the work, or death.

Today tells a different story. We are spoon fed from birth, sheltered, vaccinated and protected from everything that would’ve probably killed us back then. We play videogames or binge watch game of thrones to pass time. Don’t forget as well, everyone gets a participation ribbon whether they win or lose.

All these handicaps have made it easy for us to lose perspective, become weak and be seduced into a life of mediocrity. To be content with average. Today, we have learned to expect success instead of earn it. It’s time we unlearned it.

“Average. It was the worst, most disgusting word in the English language. Nothing meaningful or worthwhile ever came from that word.” – Portia de Rossi

Put in the work, or get put in your place

Thankfully, regardless of the technological advancements, getting in shape is one of those things that can’t be achieved without work. It takes dedication, hard work and a little mathematics.

When you go through the months of training, food discipline and mental wars, you realize that success in fitness has a price: hard work, consistency and completion. Life is no different. Working out, is a tribute to our ancestors hard work. It’s the cure necessary to cleanse our society, filled with the disease of laziness and entitlement. It’s also a reminder, that if you can change your body, you can change your life too. You can build, create and change anything you want.

Start hitting singles, instead of always going for the “grand slam”

Achieving success in any endeavor requires hitting a ton of “singles”. Many individuals who appear to have hit a “grand slam”, more often than not, haven’t. Instead they’ve hit 100’s of “base hits” over time.

On my quest for the perfect male body, trying to lose fat as fast possible or scouring the internet for the “best” diet usually failed. Instead, I was successful when I took it slow. When I put in the effort for going to the gym 6 days a week, keeping my food disciplined and winning the tough mental battles.

“Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better.” – Pat Riley

Once I took this approach to my business life, it soared. It’s time you took a similar approach. You just need to get on the plate and keep doing the things that’ll make you successful. Wake up everyday, put in the work, go to sleep and do it again.

Now it’s your turn. Be patient, keep hitting singles and remember, you can’t half-save a princess.

How has getting in shape changed your life? Please leave your thoughts below!

Peter Tzemis is the fitness coach your mom never wanted you to meet. He’s been featured by the media on all 6 livable continents and is routinely referred to as “the best fitness coach in the world”. He also loves green juice, reading books by or about great men, engaging in all sorts of debauchery. Check out his website or download is free book.



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