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Success Advice

10 Online Visibility Strategies for Coaches, Speakers, and Authors



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Writing a book or delivering one speech is not enough to garner the attention you need to boost your business in front of the masses. So what do you do?

You create a PR strategy that helps you get in front of your desired audience and amplifies your brand. There are a variety of ways to do this, as I’m going to show you below. After reading all 10 ideas, draft your own PR plan, craft your pitch and write your bio. Do some research and make a list of all the places you want to show up on.

Write your basic pitch then personalize it for each contact you make. If you get turned down by the first few, keep trying. Make sure to really hone in on outlets that are connected with your desired audience.

Here are 10 ways you can increase your visibility and start gaining more exposure and referrals today.

1. Social Media 

Everywhere you look people are staring at their phones. They are glued to them. The constant need to be fulfilled by little adrenaline rushes that come from every new notification. Well here’s the thing. Those little notifications can be coming from you! From your latest Tweet, Facebook post or Pinterest pin. Maybe Snapchat is your thing or Instagram. Here’s what I tell my clients who are overwhelmed by all the social in social media. Pick one or two social media platforms and master them before moving onto another.

2. Facebook Live Streaming

Unless you’ve been hiding out in the mountains or living under a rock you know how important video is, especially live streaming video. With Facebook going toe to toe with Youtube they are giving live video a lot of play. This is a free way to build a connection with your Facebook audience, establish your credibility and reach more people.

You can stream on your personal profile, onto your page or into a group. You can then turn around and pay to boost your live stream on your Facebook business page to a wider audience for maximizing your reach!

3. Facebook Groups 

With the decline in reach for Facebook pages the past few years, people have gathered in Facebook groups. According to USA Today, this past January Facebook groups reached 1 billion users. If you are strategic with the groups you join and spend time in you’ll be able to reach more of your target market. Groups are tricky, be sure to read their guidelines, be authentic and build relationships. If you only make it all about you, no one will be interested.

4. Recorded Interviews

With new technology like BeLive.Tv and Zoom you can record your own live and recorded shows. Find representatives in your niche and ask them to interview you or host your own series of interviews.

“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.” – Seth Godin

5. Article Writing

Write high-quality articles for high profile websites. Pick websites that are read by your target audience. For example, if you are a health and body coach submit a few articles to MindBodyGreen or Wellness Today.

6. Podcasts

Some people prefer listening to their favorite celebrities, authors, and entrepreneurs. Podcasters are always on the look out for their next guest. Maybe it will be you!

Do a Google search for Podcasts in your niche and make a list of podcasts you’d like to appear on. Reach out and see if they are looking for new guests. The worst thing they can do is say No. If you are really inspired, create your own podcast and become the host. Increase your own visibility by helping others become more visible at the same time.

7. Radio Shows

According to the Blogtalk radio website, they reach over 46 million Americans every week and have 24 million listens per month! Online radio is generally more live and interactive than podcasts. Listeners have the option of listening live and joining in on the conversation. Visit their website and search under categories for radio shows you could potentially be on.

8. Webinars

Raise your hand if you’ve sat through a few or multiple webinars. Some are live and some are evergreen (pre-recorded). Webinars are an excellent way for you to share your story, provide value and guide your listeners into your next group coaching program or consulting gig.

“Branding demands commitment; commitment to continual re-invention; striking chords with people to stir their emotions; and commitment to imagination. It is easy to be cynical about such things, much harder to be successful.” – Sir Richard Branson 

9. Videos

Up above I touched on live streaming. These are awesome but don’t forget about regular old fun videos. Videos of you sharing value, teaching on a how-to topic, book trailers or highlights of your latest event. There are so many ways for using video.

Are you shy about using video? If you are a writer or blogger be sure to check out Lumen5. You can turn any blog into a video. They are fairly simple to make. You can use their preloaded photos or upload your own, add some branding and voila, you’ve got yourself a video. Bonus tip: This video can then be uploaded to your Youtube channel, Facebook page, repurposed through your newsletter and turned into a new vlog.

10. Home Base

Make sure you have your own website that includes a bio page, a media page, your services, past places of publicity and possibly a blog. Your website is where people can find you when they do a search for your name or expertise. It builds credibility and offers you a way to stay connected, offering free gifts to build an email list and overall exposure.

How do you create awareness for your brand? Comment below so we can learn new ways to improve.

Carol Lawrence is a professional blogger, social media manager/coach and PR strategist. She runs two websites & blogs including Social Media Help 4 U and Intentional Conscious Parenting. Carol has been amplifying her client's brands for over 8 years. She helps heart-based authors, speakers, and coaches share their message with their desired audience around the world. Visit her website or purchase her book Working From Home As A Virtual Assistant: Real opportunities for people who are serious about working from home, available on Amazon today.



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