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The Most Practical Way to Experience Personal Insights Every Single Day




In the Movie Limitless, we see Bradley Cooper take an NZT pill before he glimpses the best version of himself.

This person gives him advice he needs to hear, helping him see what he otherwise wouldn’t see. Sometimes what he says hurts, sometimes it’s insightfully brilliant. Either way, what he learns, helps him move forward. He also benefits from:

  • Enhanced Memory Recall
  • A Huge Increase in Intelligence
  • Laser Sharp Focus
  • Unbelievable Self-Confidence
How to manufacture your own NZT pill each morning

Every morning I meet my doppelganger (journal) by writing everything that’s circling within my mind in the third person. I open a Journal application on my computer and let random tidbits of mind data loose, etching them as my mind spills itself wide open. Here are a couple of excerpts from some of the Journal entries I’ve recently written:

“Samy realises that for his long-term health, one of the best things he can do, is completely avoid sitting one day per week. This will also end being beneficial for his posture, back muscles and breathing.” – 15th February 2017

“One of the stunning revelations Samy had today is that the future in a sense is not his business, it’s the universe’s’ business. All that’s his business is the present moment, and that he is not a human being because such a label is just a label, but more appropriately, a unit of powerful energy in the cosmos.” – 16th February 2017

As you can see, another part of myself begins to take shape right in front of my eyes, and while sometimes what I write feels a little ludicrous, I take it on board anyway because it allows me to see my life from a different perspective.

“If you’re serious about becoming a wealthy, powerful, sophisticated, healthy, influential, cultured, and unique individual, keep a journal.” – Jim Rohn

How to write your own NZT Journal

The idea is just to let go of everything on your mind in the third person. You shouldn’t think too hard when you write. Sometimes what you write will be filled with annoyances, complaints. Sometimes it’ll be filled with remarks of gratitude and unbelievable insights. Or a mixture of all these.

This will feel unusual at first, and you may even feel strange addressing yourself by name. But there’s a wonderful separation that will begin to ensue as a result of this – almost as if someone else is giving you advice.

We are identified with one frame of thinking

When you have so much going on in your mind, writing your thoughts from a distance is freeing because it breaks the identification between you and your thoughts.

The exercise is not an exercise in writing; the sentences aren’t meant to be perfect. The point is to let loose, and reflect your mind back to yourself so that you have a more objective view going into the day.

Your doppelganger (journal) can help you rest that thought that’s ricocheting like a bullet inside your head. He or she can let you see how you honestly feel while helping you unravel things. Your doppelganger can give you love, acceptance, and incredible insight. He or she can give you exactly the words that you need to hear, whatever they may be.

Journaling helps you focus

According to author and shame researcher Brene Brown, we live in an age of perceived scarcity. We often start our day with the sentiment that we didn’t get enough sleep; we’re behind with our work, and so on and so forth.

Journaling in the third person in the morning (the equivalent to an NZT Pill) is one of the most practicals way to break this cycle.

In a way, writing a page every morning is a meeting with the part of yourself that’s often pushed into the background. And in that private meeting, you meet your best self and gain clarity. And that clarity leads to a better mood and a greater likelihood that you’ll make more optimal decisions throughout your day.

“The act of writing is the act of discovering what you believe.” – David Hare

In James Allen’s book, ‘As a Man Thinketh’, we learn that “the outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to be harmoniously related to his inner state… Men do not attract that which they want, but that which they are.”

With the daily practice of journaling in the third person, you can see your inner state more clearly, and make corresponding beautiful changes to the inner and outer conditions of your life.

What are some ways you experience personal insights? Leave your thoughts below!


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