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5 Ways to Brighten Your Soul’s Inner Drive



Many people are in a perpetual state of wandering around, looking for the “next big thing”, whether it’s in business, work, or life, and never take time to do their soul work.

Soul work, to me, involves going within and getting down and dirty with the emotional and mental blocks which become problematic. Everyone has stuff in their lives, no matter how successful they are in their life.

Getting underneath those blocks and blasting them out takes time. In doing so, though, you find what you are passionate about in work and life. It’s almost a miraculous event, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes.

With that in mind, here are five ways to brighten your soul’s inner drive:

1. Meditation

It’s been around for centuries. Smarter people than myself have found great benefits from quieting their minds, connecting with their breath, and letting go of their worries or concerns. Meditation definitely involves a mind-body-spirit connection which, for some, might be a little too heavy.

Yet when you take a look at a lot of successful businessmen and women, many of them will raise their hands in agreement that meditation helps slow them down. Connecting with what you desire to do with your life comes from your soul. Let meditation help you sense which direction to go. Take a few minutes each day, quiet your mind, and see what happens in your life.

2. Journaling

I’ve found this to be of immense help through the years. It has allowed me to do a “mind dump” on paper, with pen in hand, and get whatever is bugging me out in these journals. To be clear, you do not have to be a writer or creative in order to do this at all.

This process helps to shed a light upon what you truly desire in your life. How? It removes the blocks through your own processing of emotions and feelings which keep you and I going around in life on a hamster wheel. Get a pad, grab a pen, and start your journaling journey right now.

“Journal writing is a voyage to the interior.” – Christina Baldwin

3. Exercise

Once again, there are infinite studies which indicate moving your body on a daily basis has incredible benefits. Not only is it great for the physical attributes, yet exercise can alter thought patterns within your own brain. Yoga, weight training, running, a brisk walk, Tai Chi, or some other type of exercise can work. This helps to light up your own soul through moving the body.

4. Community

Gather around like-minded people and let them support you. People find attending religious services worthwhile. Others get together through MeetUps or some other form of community-gathering events. Introverts might find this a real stretch to do. Getting out of your comfort zone, though, is definitely good for your soul. It’s amazing what happens when putting yourself around like-minded people.

5. Nature

It’s pretty easy to just look outside a window and see either blue skies and sunshine, or cloudy skies and rainfall. Not metaphorically, OK, but real-time nature. I know when I allow myself an opportunity to get out among trees, mountains, flowers, animals and fresh air, it’s a freeing sensation.

It feels like I’m as free as the birds which fly above my head. In essence, nature is a true connecting force with your own soul. There is a rhythm and energy within nature which reflects beauty. You can see your own beauty in nature, too.

 “To sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure, is the most perfect refreshment.” – Jane Austen 

There are numerous other paths toward brightening your soul’s inner drive. It might come from attending conferences or having a heart-to-heart talk with your loved one. These are simply five starting points for you to consider.

Is there a spiritual component to all of this? I choose to believe so. When you can connect on a deeper level with your soul’s purpose, then you can engage these five suggestions and move forward.

Listen to your intuition, your soul, and follow its guidance. Amazingly, you will find yourself on a journey which will be more beautiful and fulfilling than you could ever have believed.

How do you connect with your inner soul? Leave your thoughts below!

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Joe Rutland is a spiritual teacher, intuitive, empath, and channeler. He’s written for large-scale publications like Addicted2Success,  Entrepreneur, The Good Men Project, Thrive Global, and Elite Daily. Rutland’s work helps people all over the world connect to the love and healing already within themselves. Visit his website at and follow him on Instagram at

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