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How to Let Go of Emotions and Thoughts That Hold You Down



Image Credit: Unsplash

Struggling to let go of situations, circumstances, and resentment? Can’t seem to shake off the negative thoughts and feelings that are lingering around? You know that you want to let them go, but you have no idea where to start or how to do this? If this sounds like you, then this is the article intended for you! This six-step process will help you let go of unwanted ideas and emotions and support you in choosing ones that will place you in alignment and harmony with your true self. By the end of this article, you will realise that you have all the power within you to direct and change your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

1. Feel what you feel

Begin this exercise by allowing yourself to feel what you are feeling by sitting with your emotions. Yep, that’s right; I’m suggesting that you sit with them and feel them, even if the thought of this scares you. This may be an uncomfortable and unpleasant task to undertake; however, the first step in letting go of your emotions is acknowledging their existence. Do this without resisting, criticising, fearing, judging, or feeling guilty about them. What does this mean? In other words, it implies not constructing a story about them but identifying them as just feelings. In this space, surrender to the emotions without trying to alter or resist them in any way. 

2. Release them in a healthy way

Once you have sat with your emotions, it is now time to remove them from your mind in a healthy way. Each person has their own way of releasing thoughts and feelings, so finding what works for you is essential. Unfortunately, many people suppress, repress, or reactively express their emotions. By following these unhealthy forms, you only delay the process of letting go and create a feeling of stuckness, anxiety, and fear. Some examples of healthier ways to release these emotions are through journaling, crying, or exercising. Again, do not try and judge or generate a story about your feelings; just remove them from your mind.

“Emotion can be the enemy, if you give into your emotion, you lose yourself. You must be at one with your emotions, because the body always follows the mind.” – Bruce Lee

3. Focus on your breathing

Our breath is one of our greatest yet underestimated blessings. When utilised to its potential, the breath is designed to help us relax, focus, and become aware of ourselves and our surroundings. To make the most of this incredible gift we have, get yourself into a comfortable position and pay attention to your breath. Close your eyes and take ten deep breaths, focusing on the inhale and exhale. Try to concentrate solely on the air entering and leaving your body without thinking about anything else. If thoughts or emotions appear, tell them that you will return to them shortly. After this exercise, begin to notice how your mind, body, and soul feel. In this tranquil state, you have an unblurred vision to make decisions and choose thoughts that work in your favour. 

4. Step outside of yourself

Now that you are in a calmer state, you want to engage in this visualisation exercise. Begin by closing your eyes and imagining that you are stepping out of your physical body and looking down at yourself from a bird’s eye view. As you look down, send love, positive energy, and courage to yourself. Repeat the affirmations at least three times. “I choose to send you love, positive energy, and strength. You have all the answers you need to move forward with grace and freedom.” Then, praise yourself for engaging in activities that support your personal development. 

5. Ask yourself 

After your praise and acknowledgment, think of the idea or belief you want to let go. Then, ask yourself the following question, “Does this thought or belief serve me to my highest good?” If the answer is no, repeat this statement at least three times, “I choose to let this thought go, as it does not support me in my highest good.” 

6. Use affirmations 

After repeating this statement, mentally come back to your body. As you do, become aware of the new energy, perspective, and attitude you have. This calmer vibration will allow you to stay in control of your thoughts, feelings, and actions, and you will become more aware of the choices you make. As your day goes on, repeat the statement, along with affirmations that will keep you in a loving and conscious vibration. Examples include, I choose love, I choose to forgive myself and others, and I choose to let go of the past and be better in the now.

As you always have and always will have the ability to let go of thoughts that no longer serve you, this six-step process can assist you in all situations, regardless of the severity and intensity of the circumstance. Remember that no one but you has the power to choose what you hold on to and what you choose to let go of. This is your life; you decide how you live in each moment.

My name is Lisa Sarayeldin, and I am based in Sydney, Australia. I currently work at Western Sydney University, and I am also a freelance writer, editor, and guest blogger in personal development. I have just written my first non-fiction book, which is currently sitting with Balboa Press for publishing. As a writer, I encourage individuals to discover self-love and the art of loving more, and my writing is inspired by my passion and commitment to serve and help people be their true selves Please see below my Instagram account:

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