Get Unstuck Now: 3 Reasons You May Be Feeling Stuck in Life and How to Fix Them

Feeling stuck can be so frustrating. It sucks not knowing why you feel that way, and even worse, having no clue how to break out of it. The good news is, feeling stuck can actually be a good thing – it means you’re trying to grow. If you’ve never felt stuck, it’s probably because you’re someone who’s not striving to be, do, and have more in life.
But if you’re here reading this, chances are, that’s not you. I tell you that to let you know that where you are is a good thing, so honor it.
Here are 3 reasons why you may be feeling stuck in life, and how to fix them:
1. You haven’t gotten clear
Clarity provides certainty. Think about driving on a foggy day – what may have been a routine drive on a normal, clear day, now has you white knuckling it to your destination. Why is that? Because your clarity was taken away, which took away your certainty and belief.
If the weather got too bad, you may even have to pull over. You’d be stuck, waiting for things to clear. So often in life, that’s exactly where we find ourselves – stuck in the fog, not knowing how to proceed.
That’s why one of the biggest contributors to feeling stuck in life is a lack of clarity. When you don’t take time to gain clarity, you lose your certainty. You’re just like that car waiting on the side of the road for things to clear up.
The problem is, clarity isn’t going to come to you. You have to put in the work to find it. Will you have all the answers to figure out your whole life? No! But you don’t need them. You just need enough to get yourself started. The rest will be revealed as you go.
If you want to get unstuck and on the path to living a life you truly desire, there are 3 questions you’ll need to answer:
- Who are you/who do you want to be?
- What do you want?
- How are you going to get it?
Actually, in order to get unstuck, you really only need to answer those first two questions. The “how” will be revealed once you get going. It’s like driving a car – you don’t learn how to drive it until you actually take off and start driving.
So, focus on answering those first two questions. Start with who you are and who you want to be. In life, the way we create that which we desire is by showing up as the version of ourselves who can create and accomplish those things. So, step one is, get crystal clear on the version of you that you want to show up as every single day, and start showing up that way.
Next, get clear on what you actually want in life. Not what your small-minded friends and family tell you that you can have. Focus on what you want. Wealth, relationships, family, or freedom, what do you want your life to look like.
Once you know the answers to those two questions, you now have a filter through which you can base all your decisions. Then, it’s time to start taking action.
“It’s a lack of clarity that creates chaos and frustration. Those emotions are poison to any living goal.” – Steve Maraboli
2. Your circle of influence is keeping you stuck
We all know the famous Jim Rohn saying, “You become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Well, the reason that quote has been popular for as long as it has is because it’s true.
The people we hang around determine how we show up in life and the results we create. So, if you’re feeling stuck right now, take a look at your circle of influence. Are you surrounding yourself with people who are content and playing small in life or people who are really going for it? My guess would be the content type.
The reality is, you’ll never outgrow your environment. So if you’re feeling stuck and not living the life you want, it’s time to change it up.
Look, it’s easy to say, just kick the people who are holding you back completely out of your life. But, a lot of the time, those people are our closest friends and family. And while cutting them out completely may be the play for some, it’s not for most.
So, what you can do is create space between those who are holding your back and yourself. Limit your exposure to them in the areas that you feel they are preventing you from moving forward. Once you’re able to do that, then be very intentional about creating a new circle of influence with people who can and will help you get to where you want to go.
Go to networking events, attend seminars, and/or hire a coach or mentor. Those are the sorts of things that people who are trying to level up do. Again, just like with clarity, creating a circle of influence that helps you grow and achieve what you want isn’t going to find you. You have to put in the work.
3. You’re doing too much thinking, and not enough acting
The mind can be a powerful tool when used correctly. It truly can unlock your full potential. But, it can also be the source of your struggle and keep you stuck if used incorrectly.
The reason a lot of people feel stuck in life is because they can’t get out of their own head long enough to take action. They’re stuck at the starting line trying to analyze every detail of the race before they take off.
But, results come from action, not thinking. Remember the analogy about driving the car? The only way you’re going to learn to drive is by getting behind the wheel and doing it, not by sitting there thinking about it.
“The path to success is to take massive, determined actions.” – Tony Robbins
How to get out of your head and start taking action
This one here can be tough, because it takes self-awareness. You’ve got to catch yourself in the act of overthinking, and force yourself to take action in that moment. That doesn’t mean being reckless or irresponsible. If you’re resonating with this one, you’ve done more than enough thinking. Now, it’s time to get going.
Another great way to combat this is getting an accountability partner or coach. Someone who can call you out and spur you into action when you’re stuck spinning your wheels. If you’ve got the self-awareness and strength to make yourself take action in those situations, great! If not, an accountability partner or coach will be a great resource for you.
How do you get unstuck in life & begin moving forward? Share your advice with our readers below!
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