6 Important Things Schools Will Never Teach You

I have so much respect for those who continue their education past traditional schooling. Learning, studying, and investing in yourself doesn’t stop when you become successful, that’s when it really starts.
The sooner you learn that all the skills you need to learn to really thrive will occur after you leave the confines of educational conformation, the sooner you will succeed. Here are 6 Game Changing ideas that you won’t learn in the classroom. My goal is to get you to think differently and interrupt your normal thought patterns.
Hopefully this will create change in you, and stir some new actions. So if you run a sales organization, interested in starting a movement of your own, or just want to be a part of something meaningful these were made strictly for you.
1. A powerful “why”
Realize that no matter where you are right now, you can always take it up a notch. Are you really giving your all daily? Your possibilities are endless when you come up with enough compelling reasons. The goal is to create a “why” so strong that it pulls you through any challenge, all doubters, and even your own limitations.
We’re in an economy that now welcomes the entrepreneur, and it’s become easier to design your ideal future. It just takes compelling reasons, clear intentions, and the right guidance. Never forget. Reasons come first, results come second.
“When you know why you do what you do, even the toughest days become easier.”
2. Focus on strengths, delegate weaknesses
Anybody that tells you to focus on your weaknesses hasn’t experienced consistent peak performance. The idols you and I respect, along with all well known achievers got to prosperity by deliberately focusing on their strengths. If you’re not sure what your strengths are start asking other people around you.
This isn’t always what you love, but where you get results. The goal is to be so good at your strengths that it propels you to stand out. Everybody loves doing what they’re good at, and your creativity will flourish if you love what you do. If you’re focused on too many things it will cause you to be average in many instead of exceptional in a few.
3. Habits always trump inspiration
Inspiration is needed to create consistent action, but your habits are ultimately going to define your success or failure. It’s been said that after seminars and conferences only 5% actually use what they’ve learned. Why is that? It’s because inspiration is very short term, and feels good in the moment but doesn’t last past the activity producing it.
In our Game Changers Academy we focus on shifting habits, gaining better perspective, and interrupting bad thought patterns instead of just inspiration. I’ve realized that the biggest inspiration of all is seeing progress and results, which comes from new habits. When you begin the formation of a new habit, stick to it, and see the lasting change in your new-found life.
4. Mastery vs. information overload
Mastery is the highest form of accomplishment. The only way to become successful is to master the fundamentals and skills needed to reach your goals and dreams. We have so much information available to us it’s easy to become overwhelmed, and when overwhelmed we seek distractions.
Instead of reading 50 books this year, master and implement 3. The immature learner wants to get as much information as they can as fast as they can, but you’ll find them broke, stressed, and lacking real progress. The mature mind is very deliberate with what they study.
The achievers focus on listening to something until they’ve adopted it into their daily agenda, and seen their results improve. Jim Collins says it perfectly, “If you have more than 3 priorities, you don’t have any.” What must you start saying no to?
5. The real education
Entrepreneurs understand this at a level most don’t. Jim Rohn said, “If you work hard on your job you can make a living, but if you work on yourself you can make a fortune.” He wasn’t kidding, and investing in yourself is at the top of the list of ways to solidify an exceptional future.
Apple said it bluntly….“We shouldn’t be criticized for using Chinese workers, the U.S. has stopped producing people with the skills we need.”
Ouch! When I say develop yourself, grow, and improve your skills I don’t mean school. School sometimes distracts you from the things that actually matter in advancing your life and legacy. Weird, but true.
“The best education you can get is investing in yourself, and that doesn’t mean college or university.” – Warren Buffett
6. How to create something meaningful
Most companies nowadays don’t have compelling stories or a vision behind it. The companies that are attracting top tier talent are those who have a mission bigger than themselves. A couple examples are: Google, Apple, Amazon, Tesla and Zappos.
What could you create that helps other people? I challenge you to start a movement. I will tell you from experience that life becomes much more fulfilling when you become involved in a movement or a cause greater than yourself. Having a meaningful mission isn’t optional anymore. There are perfect business plans failing left and right, while movements are thriving.
We are in an economy where information, entitlement, and intentions are at an all time high, while mastery, confidence, and authenticity are at an all time low. We’ve set out to change that with the Forbes featured Ambition is Priceless Mixtape.
When you take action NOW you can download your copy 100% free. I assure you that you’ll never have a motivation issue EVER AGAIN. The tracks are formulated to inspire sustained motivation and create real change, and do so by catching hold of an audience’s emotional state through music.
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