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5 Sure Ways to Achieve the Best Version of Yourself (For Determined People Only)



be the best version of yourself

There is no doubt that we’re our own worst enemies when it comes to achieving our best and living the life of our dreams. Although some of us are conscious of our visions/dreams, we still lack the necessary tools and knowledge to turn them to reality.

Interestingly, no matter how bad your life might have been in the past you can still achieve your best version if you’re determined. To become your best version you’ll have to take some ‘risks’ and if you are not willing to take them you cannot grow and if you cannot grow you cannot become your best.

While you’re working on achieving your best version, here are five unconventional ways of becoming your best:

1. Push yourself harder daily

Pushing yourself is a not just a strategic way to leave your “limit zone”, it is also a technique that ultimately transforms you to become the best of yourself.

On the contrary, your best version is something that cannot be achieved in a day. And if you keep on waiting for someone to push you forward you’ll have to wait for eternity. So, in order for you to not spend the rest of your life struggling on this, you need to start pushing yourself harder daily to achieve your goal.

“Push yourself again and again. Don’t give an inch until the final buzzer sounds.” – Larry Bird

2. Learn new things daily

Learning new things is another interesting way of achieving your best version.  In fact when you open your mind to new knowledge, you’re broadening your scope of understanding and reasoning which practically aids you in your pursuit of achieving your best version.

Additionally, learning keeps your mental well-being more active and consequently inspires you to become more productive. Contrarily, one of the surest ways of crippling your goal of achieving the best of yourself is to stop learning. And when you stop learning, adapting to newer situations becomes a struggle for you.

3. Shutdown “continuous self-doubt”

Continuous self-doubt” is one of the deadliest pests that kill great dreams. Frankly, there are moments when we doubt our potential. Even greats do. What is wrong is when you decide to remain in self-doubt and refuse to do something about it.

Contrarily, if you refuse to work against your self-doubt you’ll end up limiting your ability to a little space and limiting your ability is tantamount to not reaching the best version of yourself. Some self-doubt will disturb you psychologically and even emotionally, so be prepared to be in conscious control of any doubt whenever it arises.

4. Maximize your 24 hours

Maximizing your time is another strategic way to reach and achieve the best version of yourself. Let’s face it, how do you manage your 24 hours daily?

Time waits for no one. And mismanagement of it could lead to severe ruin. So, as someone who is determined to achieve his/her best version, it’s pretty much advisable that you manage your time wisely.

According to several analytical researchers, it has been proven that the more time you invest to develop yourself, the more valuable your life becomes.

“The common man is not concerned about the passage of time, the man of talent is driven by it.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

5. Surround yourself with multipliers

Surrounding yourself with friends of multiplying impact is not just a way of achieving the best version of yourself but also a technique that reflects who you are. Analytically, there is a general saying that says you are an average of the six people you spend most of your time with. So, what kind of friends surround you?

Hence, if you are confused about those you surround yourself with, here’s a smart way to know. All you have to do is to answer the following questions;

  • Do your friends share the same dream as you do?
  • Does he/she question why you haven’t done what you should have done?
  • Is he/she a motivator or a depressor?
  • Do you have or share common goals?
  • Has he/she  influenced your life positively since you’ve been friends?
  • Does his/her presence count when you need him/her most?

From your answers you can confidently resolve and clear the air about those you surround yourself with. To achieve your best version, establish and set a goal for yourself. Take the actions listed above serious and you’ll easily achieve your best.

How are you getting the best of yourself today? Leave your thoughts below!

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