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8 Inspiring Tips From Successful Women Entrepreneurs



Female Entrepreneur

In today’s world where business acumen, creativity, and innovativeness shape the landscape of any business. Women with different backgrounds have proven time and time again that being a successful woman entrepreneur is possible.

Their success stories have shown how a simple dream can be realized and turned into a huge success. For those of you who are also aspiring to succeed as an entrepreneur, there are so many things that you can learn from these amazing women.

Here are 8 things to live by if you want to be a successful woman entrepreneur:


1. It all starts with an idea

The most successful entrepreneurs started out with having an idea in mind. Whether it is a kind of product they want to create or a service that is not yet being offered in the market, everything starts with an idea.

The ability to transform that idea into a business is what sets everything in motion.

So, explore.Be creative and innovative.

According to Sheila Marcela, founder of, “thinking in terms of evolution is essential.”


2. Do not be afraid of failure

Once failure sets in, you will never be able to have the courage to pursue what you have always wanted and imagined to do.

By letting failure get the best of you, no matter how great your business idea is, you have already set your path to failure.

For only the bold and the risk takers can succeed in this highly competitive world. As such, you should never be afraid of trying.

Do not let your fear of failure come to mind.

One of the youngest- female billionaires in America, Sara Blakely who is the founder of Spanx says that, “It is always important to make mistakes.”

The biggest mistake that you will ever make if you are an aspiring entrepreneur is to allow fear of failure to achieve your goals.

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” – Paulo Coelho

3. You need to believe and have faith

In running a business, you will encounter a series of ups and downs. From initial success to losses and other challenges, these things are all part of the business process.

No matter how rough the road is, you just have to keep that faith and believe that despite the odds, you will make it through.

The Chairman, CEO and Designer of Tory Burch LLC, believes that “You can have it all. You just have to know it’s going to work.”

When you believe that everything can be done, everything is possible.


4. Be independent

Who says that women have to rely on men just to succeed in their respective fields?

What these successful women entrepreneurs tell us is that you should never be afraid to have your own independence and have the ability to pursue your passion and your business goals.

Famous designer Diane Von Furstenberg says that “she is the woman who has always wanted to be independent and who could pay for her own bills and have her life the way she wants it.” Eventually she’s become that woman.

Female Entre

5. Work for a greater cause

Entrepreneurship is not just money, fame and glory.

Many of the most successful women entrepreneurs today have impacted the world in positive ways as many of them work for a greater cause.

When you have your own business, you do not just make your own money.

You can provide employment for a lot of people and in your own ways, you can help your community and society through corporate social responsibility and other means.


6. Success is all about hard work

There is one thing that all the successful women have in common. All of them have achieved their success by working hard.

If you really want to make it big and succeed in your business venture, you should be ready to give it your all and never complain.

No one succeeds by just thinking or daydreaming of something that they want to do.

This is one secret shared by Estee Lauder, the founder of one of the world’s biggest cosmetic and skincare company, Estee Lauder Companies.

“I didn’t get there by wishing for it or hoping for it, but by working for it.” – Estee Lauder

7. Learn to adapt to the necessities of time

In this highly competitive world where trends continue to change, you must always adapt to changing times.

Successful businesses continue to prosper and thrive since they know what the people need and what the market needs.

When you adapt to the necessities of time, your business can provide what the people are looking for.


8. Excellence is always the norm

In everything that you do, successful women entrepreneurs always emphasize the importance of doing your best.

Whether you are in business or in any other field, to be successful you should never settle for mediocrity.

Excellence should be the norm.

Debbi Fields, the founder of the ever famous Mrs. Fields Bakeries say that, “Good enough never is.”

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to be in your best form and to always strive for excellence.


What other inspiring tips from successful women entrepreneurs would you add to the list?

Amy Cowen is a professional blogger and writer. She is a part of a team of experienced writers at, where thousands of essays on different topics are available. Amy is mainly focusing on business, marketing and all the latest networking trends.



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