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Success Advice

Why You Should Duplicate Beliefs To Reach Success



Image Credit: Unsplash

All successful people share similar abilities. They are self-starters, they are able to motivate themselves easily, and they are able to change their thoughts into actions.

To duplicate someone’s success you need to duplicate his or her beliefs. You need the same core beliefs. Beliefs can be the firewall or passage way for you to reach your dreams, negative beliefs stop you from achieving your dreams and positive beliefs aid in the confidence and certainty needed to achieve amazing outcomes. Are you stopping yourself from achieving your dreams because you believe you don’t have the abilities or the resources to get there? Or will you give yourself a chance to say, “I’m going to take a shot, I am going to give this one a crack and prove to myself that I won’t be stopped or limited by my negative beliefs”.

Most people admire their idols so much that they start to believe things like: “They are different than I am, they are superhuman, they are born to do it, I’m not one of the lucky ones”, when that is not true at all. The “pedastooling” needs to stop! If you do this too often then you’ll start to believe that you will NEVER be on their level or be worthy of the success that they have acquired. Learn from your idols, admire them and smile, but don’t EVER believe that you can not be as successful as your role models are because YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN if your desires and beliefs are strong enough to achieve your dreams.

The only thing that is separating you from your idol is the limiting beliefs that you have created for yourself. Your idols may be more fortunate because they have spent the time to learn and master their craft, because they truly love what they do and have put in the long hours behind the scenes, or that they have met the right network of people who can align them with good opportunities along the way, but the one thing that stands them apart from those who have acquired fame and fortune in their field is that they have made the bold commitment to themselves and others, that chasing and achieving their dreams is the only option they have and they will never settle for less. This is the kind of belief that you must enforce in your mind, and your heart, if you want to achieve success with no limits.

Michael Jackson said it best when he said:We can program ourselves to be the person we want to be, whatever the subject matter is, live in it by a mental physical program – a system of learning and doing. Studying all the greats in that field and becoming greater. I believe we are powerful, but we don’t use our minds to full capacity. Your mind is powerful enough to help you attain whatever you want.”

Also remember, don’t forget to fail, failure breeds success. Don’t think for one minute that your role model or idol never failed at anything at some point in their life. They probably failed more than you know, and that is why they are successful in achieving their dreams.





I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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