Finally, we can call 2016 a wrap. Nevertheless, life is still life; same old, same old. The hustle for a dollar is still the primary purpose...
Whether it’s a New Year, a birthday or some other standout event on our calendar, these “landmark occasions” can present a great opportunity to take a...
In life, one of the major goals for many people is to be financially successful so they can live life without worrying how they’re going to...
Whether you’re giving a big talk for the first time or the fiftieth, it can still be nerve-wracking to try and decide exactly what to say...
In the journey of life, we all come across certain challenges that in one way or another attempt to derail our success. Sometimes these challenges are...
Do you ever feel exhausted by your efforts to be successful? Everyone’s idea of success differs, but one theme always remains constant – it’s hard freaking...
A few years ago, a customer in my software business paid upfront for a round of changes to their custom software application. It wasn’t an issue...
We’ve all been knocked flat on our face from a life event. What I know is that you can’t let that destroy you. You were put...
Have you ever heard someone say that talent is the key to success? I haven’t and even writing it right now sounds weird. Yes, talent is...
When it comes to achieving your goals and living your dreams, most people have a hard time because they procrastinate and are not taking any action...
A friend said to me the other day, “Tim we’re too old for this.” I said, “too old for what?” He replied, “too old for these...
You may think that sharing your dreams is the first step to successfully achieving them. You’ll have more motivation and people will be able to hold...
Establishing a brand is all-consuming. From time to human resources and even money, there is never enough to flaunt around. That is why for many people,...
It’s a Tuesday night, and I’m at the bowling alley with a group of guys from a tech company that I deal with. I haven’t bowled...
The decision that comes in wanting to be a leader is a beautiful thing. As a leader, you have the capabilities to change many lives and...
Being successful, wealthy and influential is admirable. It’s good to have money to support your family and loved ones. It’s great to have a profitable business...
Being able to solve problems is one of the greatest skills that an entrepreneur can have. But what if your brainstorming sessions lack that certain spark?...
It’s easy to identify what differentiates the “mediocre” entrepreneurs from the ultra-successful ones. But merely identifying these elements is not even half the battle. You must...
It seems like every successful entrepreneur has had and endorses getting a mentor. Most people think of a mentor as someone that teaches them about business,...
I’ve long held the belief that the most important skill in business is the ability to communicate with confidence, clarity and impact. Life is a 24...
Research suggests that we have between 40,000-70,000 thoughts a day. We carry out most of our daily activities without even thinking. These can include brushing our...
Four years ago I committed to stop being mediocre and start living an extraordinary life. Easier said than done. While the decision is not an easy...
Each of us is responsible for our own lives, our futures and everything in between. It’s not enough to simply sit back and wait for success...
So recently we had a new world leader join the ranks. Some love him, and some believe he is going to destroy the world, as we...
By now we all know that what separates successful people from the not so successful is largely the mindset and action they take; it’s been proven...
Grit is a skill that can help us to do anything we dream of. It’s the fine art of being able to find a solution to...
Because you are on this website I’ll assume that at some point you’ve read inspiring stories of some of the world’s most successful people. In some...
Have you heard of the phrase “at the end of the day it’s all love”? Have you watched the movie Love Is All You Need? Have...
If your life is not where you expected it to be then there are plenty of reasons why. Today I’m going to explore a few of...
By reading autobiographies, you can get up close and personal with people that you may never meet in real life. A biography of someone’s life can...