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Success Advice

If Your Business Isn’t Growing, Your Romantic Relationship Might Be the Issue



Image Credit: Unsplash

Love. It’s beautiful when you’re experiencing it with someone special. It makes you feel like you could climb Mount Everest without an oxygen tank. When your romantic relationship is going through hard times, something else happens. When you’re arguing, ignoring each other, or worse, you feel like everything else in your life is off.

Instead of working on your personal goals and business tasks, all you want to do is get a big tub of something sweet and binge-watch your favorite Netflix series. You better believe it’s going to have a profound effect on your business. Feelings, fights, emotions, and interesting moments of life come and go. However, the choice of your romantic partner is an absolute indicator of how successful you’ll become.

If your business isn’t growing, it may be time to examine the romantic relationship in your life. You have to get very honest with yourself. Is your relationship helping or hurting you? Here are a few things to think about.

Two Types of Relationships 

There are many types of relationships for entrepreneurs. Business partnerships, friendships, connections, followers, mentors, and the list could go on. Your romantic relationship is the one relationship that has the most access to you. This access influences your daily choices. A healthy relationship supports you and compliments what you’re working to accomplish.

It pushes you to a higher level of success as you build your business. It is a partner that understands the “why” behind what you’re building. With that understanding, they call you out and keep you accountable. They are committed to their growth, supporting your growth, and commits to your growth as a couple.

They do personal development work consistently to develop a stronger mindset because business is about more than tactics. A healthy relationship is two complete people coming together and agreeing to support each other as you put in the work to become the best versions of yourselves in every area of your life. You come together to build an empire in life and business.

Even if your partner is not an entrepreneur, they can still see what you’re building and understand what your business means to you. They look for ways to support you. They get involved — even if it’s just letting you vent. They ask questions and offer honest advice.

“We can improve our relationships with others by leaps and bounds if we become encouragers instead of critics.” – Joyce Meyer

Unhealthy relationships are two people coming together for completion in each other. They look for something in someone else that they should be looking for in themselves. It’s co-dependent in every way. 

This type of partner can be indifferent, envious, or exhibit sabotaging behaviors. As you spend time taking the steps to accomplish your goals, those unhealthy feelings and emotions fuel their self-beliefs. They react outwardly and vocally. They tend to dislike or outright hate your business because they don’t feel like the centerpiece of your life. Their need for attention outweighs their desire to see you succeed.

Building a business takes up a lot of time and energy. It’s hard enough without trying to do it with what feels like your hand tied behind your back. Unhealthy relationships tie up both of your hands.

Choose YOU

Only you know what type of relationship you have. The way you’ll succeed in accomplishing your major life and business goals is with honesty and making the best decision for you. It is you choosing yourself first.

Maybe you’re just going through a rough patch. In a healthy relationship, you will be able to talk it through. A lot of times, communication solves what feels like a “major” issue. We’re human and tend to make things bigger in our minds. Use your words. Try putting yourself in your partner’s shoes.

If they need help seeing the vision behind why you’re working so much in your business, help them see it. They just might surprise you. If you have to make another choice — a harder decision — you can’t be afraid to choose either. 

An unhealthy romantic relationship will drain you in every way. It may be time to let go. Only you know that. You make a hard decision now that frees you up to live the life you know you should be living. 

The best way to make these types of important decisions is knowing yourself better (self-awareness) and having clarity on your values. The most important relationship in your life is your relationship with yourself. Great relationships are rooted in a foundation of self-love.

When you love yourself, you refuse to accept anything that doesn’t help you reach your goals. One of the best strategies you can employ in your business is getting clarity on the romantic relationship in your life. You don’t have to date or marry a fellow entrepreneur but you should be with someone that has your back no matter what. 

“Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.” – Mark Twain

If your business growth has stalled, examine this area of your life. Choose to love and honor yourself. You only get one life to live. One way to make it count is by doing the things that help you grow.

You can build a business that gives you freedom and financial security. Build it alongside someone who gets it and truly wants you.

Beau Henderson is a financial advisor, syndicated radio host, and the CEO of The RichLife Group. He is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the New Money Mission. He writes and speaks internationally helping people create success with both money and life. Check out his website

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