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Success Advice

7 Steps On How To Become Addicted To Success



how to become addicted to success

Many people read Rich Dad Poor Dad but they forget that they are their greatest asset.

Our minds and our hearts bring our greatest return on investment.

Successful people are investors, in their dreams and the dreams of others.

Here are 7 steps on how to become addicted to success:


1. Ask questions 

Knowledge is potential power and questions are the healthiest way to grow your knowledge.

By asking questions we are able to understand how things work and those who understand how things work can make things work

Ask lots of questions, ask big questions, and ask small questions.

Build your understanding.

Success is something you attract by who you become” – Jim Rohn

2. Think like a gardener

Gardeners prepare the soil before they plant their seeds, when its time to reap the benefits of their harvest they are always glad that they did.

Gardeners also have crops on different cycles because not every crop has an equal return or grows at the same time of year.

Imagine the different crops to be revenue streams, networks, hobbies etc.

Gardeners are people who pay forward, they understand that in order to receive first they must give.

Be willing to provide value first.

Look for the weeds in your garden, pull them out and don’t let others ruin your garden.


3. Immersion learning

Immerse yourself in as much learning as you can. For example:

Learn by doing, get involved, find things out, connect with people in the know, join a group and on various points on the path, always learn with energy. While reading immerse yourself in the book.

Do things with a high level of awareness and concentration. Become a student of life. Be willing to invest time and money into your never-ending growth.

Take classes, read books, join groups, start groups, experiment, explore and make use of the results.


4. Make a decision and take massive action

‘What is something everyone can make no matter their circumstance? A Decision’ – Elliott Kennefick

Decisions change circumstances.

Decide what is your desired outcome, lose weight, more family time, make 100million, or all of the above.

Whatever it is decide to take ownership of your decision and don’t be afraid or embarrassed by others opinions of your decision.

Research how to make this a reality, this is where the questioning begins.

You want to buy an island? How much is an island? You want to lose weight? How can you lose weight while working 40 hour weeks? Who is already getting the results you want?

Plot out the steps to the achievement of your goal

Once you have decided let nothing stop you and take massive action to gain momentum.

Imagine a rocket blasting off, a massive eruption that leaves behind a crater. Let this be how you take action.

The bigger the vision (mass) the bigger the action (force) needed to move it, but once moving it becomes difficult to stop.

A decision should be followed by an action towards its achievement.


5. Track your progress 

Become someone that is interested in data/stats (or hire someone who is) because that is how improvement or decline is measured.

Accounting is the heart rate monitor of all activities. It provides feedback which is something successful people feed off.

A diary on how your day is a way of accounting.

By keeping records in different areas of your life you can see patterns and go back in time to see how you were getting a particular result which will be helpful to repeat successes and avoid repeating failures.

“If you can measure it you can manage it” – Jim Rohn

6. Grow your network and remove weeds

‘Your network = Your net worth’

Feed your network.

Nurture your network.

Socialize with people that you respect, people that are moving forward.

Your network allows you to tap into opportunities and introductions that members of your network come across by connecting you with their network.

One person in your network can literally contribute to the transformation of your life for the better or the worst. Be mindful of your network.


7. Integrity 

Be reliable! How?

If you say you’re going to do something do it, be who you say you are.

Look for win-win solutions because when you do then you become a pleasure to deal with and people will seek to win with you.

“You can’t make a good deal with a bad person” – Zig Ziglar

These are the principles to get addicted to success there are many more principles that will help you on your journey. Uncover them!


E. Black is a coach, consultant and blogs daily on his site. He’s passionate about converting the power of intention into results for himself and others. His daily blog is and you can download his goal setting program for free at



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