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5 Ways to Turn Negativity into Positive Motivating Energy



5 Ways to Turn Negativity into Positive Motivating Energy

Most people know about the power of positive energy. However, what many individuals today are unaware of is just how powerful negative energy can be as well.

Allowing negative energy to infiltrate your life can cause a number of issues and leave you unproductive, unmotivated and unsuccessful. However, all people have situations where they are faced with negative situations, have negative thoughts or simply find themselves surrounded by negative energy.

The good news is there are several ways to take this negative energy and transform it into more positive, motivating energy that can help you live the successful, productive life you have always wanted to live.

Here are 5 ways to turn negativity into positivity:


1. Take responsibility

It can be easy to take responsibility for negative situations, especially when you know you are not to blame, but taking responsibility for the negativity is a great way to put yourself in control so you can turn that negativity into something more positive. Do not blame others, accept that you are in control of your life and find a solution to move on. Instead of dwelling over failing a test because you thought the questions were unfair, take responsibility and say “There is nothing I can do about it now, except look forward and prepare for the next one.” This is an easy way to start removing draining negative energy from your life. If you do make a mistake, step up and admit it.

“You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.” – Jim Rohn

2. Learn from negativity

When you are faced with a negative situation, don’t think of it as a tragedy or an issue, take it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Some of the biggest and most important lessons that we learn in life come from how we react to failures or negative situations. The more you take negativity as a learning experience, the more positive you will become and the less negativity you will allow to infiltrate your life.


3. Emphasize the positive when it comes around

Positivity is the ultimate contour to negativity, so if you want to get rid of negativity in your life, focus on positivity. Emphasize your positive actions, create positive affirmations that you repeat to yourself daily, and do your best to remove negative language from your vocabulary. Next time you are tempted to say negative words like “I can’t” or “I hate,” stop, take a breath and try to rephrase your statement without the negative words.


4. Retrain your brain

If you are someone that constantly thinks internal negative thoughts, then it is time to retrain your brain to help turn those negative thoughts into motivating energy. The more you talk negatively to yourself or tell yourself that you can’t do something, the more that negativity will become a part of you and your personality. Start replacing those notions with internal positive thoughts. Eventually, your positive thinking will become such a part of you that your brain will automatically start turning your thoughts into more positive ones.



5. Find an outlet

No matter how hard you try, chances are there will still be situations where you are faced with negativity. Find an outlet that you can use to burn off that negative energy, allowing yourself and your mind to reset. Many people turn to exercise as a way to burn off this negativity. This is a great way to get the excess negative energy out of your system, plus activities like exercise boost endorphins and actually make you happier.


Keep these five easy tips in mind next time you are faced with a negative situation and you will be arming yourself with the tools you need to overcome any negative situation and turn it into a positive one.

What negative situation are you having trouble turning into a positive?

Erik Wilson is a serial entrepreneur who is involved with many philanthropic endeavors and is continually devoted to making the world a more positive place. He is the founder and CEO of Pozify, a social networking app devoted to spreading positivity across the web.



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