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Success Advice

5 Mindset Shifts That Are Needed For Success



Mindset for Success and how to master your life

If you could easily achieve the success you are working towards, wouldn’t you?

Most of us doubt the power of our thoughts and how much they truly dictate how we operate.

Take Anthony for example. He is really good at what he does for a living. People love being around him but Anthony believes he could never be in a leadership role because his opinion will not be valued. Although, Anthony could be right about his opinion not being valued. He’s wrong about his opinion having value.

Which one of the mindsets do you think Anthony would benefit from the most?

5 Key Mindset Shifts for Success


1. Have a Desire

You can always tell who the passionate one is in the room. They’re the one who is bright eyed and engaged. The one who usually goes the “extra mile“. The one, even when exhausted, shows up and shows out, with no real effort. With a ridiculous amount of desire for the work they’re doing.

Desire is a great energy source to do the work and do it well. When you are passionate about what you do, it doesn’t feel like work and the time just seems to float on by.  Individuals with a desire to achieve success connect with this desire daily.

They ask themselves these questions:

  • “How can I add value to others?”
  • “What possibilities are open to me for more success?”
  • “How can I do my work differently?”


2. The Growth Mindset

Even if your company doesn’t offer skill advancement. Seek it out for yourself. When you keep abreast on topics of discussion and can do the job when no one else can do it, all because you went the “extra mile” to enhance your skills. You win.

Individuals with a growth mindset constantly read and seek out opportunities of growth to develop their skills and themselves.

They ask these questions:

  • “How can I do this better?”
  • “Where can I find the information I need to accomplish this task?”
  • “Who can I collaborate with for this project to excel?”


3. You are a Business

Start thinking of yourself as a business.

Some of the things very important to business success is process, people and purpose. Process comes down to how you spend your time towards the achievement of your goals.

Are your goals clear and well define? Do you have a plan?

Having the right people around you is essential to your career success.

People. If you and Sam hang out but Sam constantly shows up to work late and thinks nothing of it. Knowing how your boss is a stickler for punctuality, that promotion you seek will not happen in Sam’s company.

Overtime her nonchalant attitude towards work will impact how you do your job and your career growth.

Purpose. What is your mission statement?

Every business has one. Connect to your purpose and you’ve found it. Individuals who conduct themselves as a business have strategic focus, creating clear direction and ensuring they hit their target with accuracy.

They ask themselves these questions:

  • “How can I be more productive in my day?”
  • “Whom do I have to get to know and how?”
  • “What is my 90 day plan?”


Quote Robert Kiyosaki

4. The Ability to Pivot

It’s a real asset to know when something is not working and to switch it up at will. Doing the same thing and expecting a different result…well you know the rest (It’s the definition of insanity).

Those who can make adjustments in the plan as they go along will always come out on top. Individuals who have the ability to pivot are not attached to their plan. They use it as a guide and reference to their goals but know things could change and they need to learn how to adapt quickly.

They ask themselves these questions:

  • “What needs to improve in my plan?”
  • “Where could I find the resources I need?”
  • “Who can give me constructive feedback that could help propel me forward?”


5. Jump In

Those who are winning at life do so by jumping in with both feet and hope a net appears. A bit frightening I know. The only way you’ll know you’re doing something right or get to a higher role in your career, is if you just do it.

Fail if you must and learn from that. Then, jump back in. The individuals who jump in know the only chance they have in winning the game is by first showing up.

They ask themselves these questions:

  • “Do I want better results?”
  • “How can I overcome my fear?”  
  • “Is this how I choose to live the only life I have?”

Remember Anthony? If you guessed he would benefit most from #5 Jump In.

I would agree, although Anthony could implement the other mindset’s to. He needs to get into the water and see it play out. Whether or not his opinion is received, he won’t know unless he puts it on the table.

There really is no secret sauce to a success mindset.

You just have to BELIEVE, WANT and KNOW you can achieve more.

No secret to that.

Maya Angelou Pic Quote Success

I’m curious, what mindset do you struggle with?

Can you see how having these mindsets in tack could propel your career success to new levels?

Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Tennile is a lifestyle coach, writer & speaker on having a success mindset. Tennile is a lifestyle coach, writer & speaker on having a success mindset. Quitting the 9-5 life and jumping into the entrepreneurship game head first. She knew, either have the skills to shift your current situation or find the people who do. At any moment you can decide you want more & go after it. For more inspiration injected, you can find her over at



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