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Success Advice

How to Turn Your Thoughts Into Amazing Results



thoughts and ideas
Joel Brown

Being a mover and shaker, you’re always on the lookout for that one thing that can give you the edge.

Whether it’s the power-protein you mix into your coffee in the morning, or the way you optimize your inbox… you probably don’t care about the theory behind it….

You want to know what works!


I’ve worked with hundreds of grounded business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs and the thing I’ve noticed consistently is their ability to get results.

Real results.

Tangible, kick-ass, bottom line results.

And the thing that holds people back from creating the results they really want, and deserve, is the nagging doubt that they might not succeed.

Perhaps you’ve felt this way?

Maybe you’ve found yourself taking one step forward and two steps back, trying to will yourself to be positive. To have faith. To just work harder and maybe, just maybe, success will be yours.

Hoping. Dreaming. And trying desperately to not let those nay-sayers be right.

And if this is you – you’re not alone.

What I’ve noticed in working with hundreds of entrepreneurs over the years is that the folks who finally reach their goals, and get the awe-inspiring results are the ones who have taken time to master their thought.

Sounds glib?

I can assure you, that this is the foundation of every great person who has ever achieved anything. Total mastery of thoughts… Because your thoughts literally do create the world you experience.

And the secret is to focus on the outcome. (You can read more on how to do this here.)

The outcome you hold in your mind, really does create your physical world!

But what I find is that when folks first hear about this concept, they’re a little sceptical.

How can thinking about increasing my profit actually make more people buy my product?” they often scoff.

And I get it.

I used to wonder the exact same thing.

And until you’ve experienced it and proven it out for yourself, it does seem a little out there!


But What If You Could Prove It To Yourself?

What if it were possible to run a simple experiment that is going to help you master the process, and prove to yourself that your efforts are paying off.

Wouldn’t that be awesome?

Well, I don’t tease 😉

There is indeed a way.

And it’s easier than you think.

Not only that, but once you have your own data to back up the model you’ll discover a number of additional benefits:

1. You’ll no longer need to waste energy and focus questioning if it works

You get to by-pass understanding the mechanics like a black-box component in a software design.

You can just take it as a given and use it is.


2. You’ll be much more confident in taking on new, bigger projects

If your thoughts create your outcome, you don’t need to worry about the ins and outs of the project. You can simply focus your attention on what you want to create, and let the details and “obstacles” take care of themselves.

It takes some practice and training to get to this level of confidence, but you just need to start small and then build up to the big fat hairy audacious goals!


4. You’ll become MAGNETIC to people

You will walk and talk with tonnes more confidence. This makes you much more attractive to the people around you.

Remember the saying “success breeds success”? You will definitely be able to ride the momentum of your new found strategy that works for anything!


5. You’ll be less fearful

Often, the thing that causes the most stress for go-getter is the fear of failure… in one form or another. If you know you can’t fail, and your focus is on your goal you will naturally experience much less stress and anxiety.

Plus, it’s actually a healthier way to live!

Once you’ve conducted your own experiments, you’ll no longer be trapped in an oscillation between hoping and doubting.

Some folks swing from one extreme to the other… willing themselves to believe it works, and then advocating that it’s silly and definitely doesn’t.

But not you.

Not now.

Because you’re going to put in a little effort now, for massive rewards you can keep reaping down the line.


The Proof Is In The Pudding

So how then do we go about testing this out and proving to ourselves that this is worth doing?

Well, we need to pick a variable and track a result that is relevant to our hypothesis… just like in any scientific experiment.


Conceive Believe and Achieve Picture Quote


So here’s what you do:

1. Make a list of a few simple outcomes you’d like to achieve

I suggest picking simple ones, which don’t require much time to create, just for the purpose of proving the concept. This way you can get through a number of experiments in less than 14 days, rather than waiting years and forgetting about it along the way.


2. Select the first outcome to work on

This could be something as simple as attracting a free cup of coffee, finding a parking space where you normally struggle, or having your bills reduced. Make sure also that you can track it. It’s no good setting an intention to have something happen and you not know whether it happened or not… So if you’re looking for a reduction in your household bills, you need to know what you’re paying right now. Makes sense, right?


3. Ok, then you need to note down the goal, the date and how long you’re going to run your experiment for

This way you know that the effect is a result of your intention and you can’t put it down to fluke. So for example you could say “I allow myself to attract a free cup of coffee by noon today”… or whatever seems like a good time frame, given that you may work from home, and not venture out into the world necessarily.


4. Next lay the intention by thinking the thought and visualising, or whatever technique you use

If you’re new to this you may want to refer to “How to Think to Get What You Want”.


5. Then you want to track your results

I like to set a reminder on my phone to check in with the goal. So when the time has passed you just notice whether the outcome happened, and then you mark down the result in your experimenters’ journal.

And then you move onto the next experiment. 😉


Here’s what you’ll likely find:

Not every single outcome will manifest within your time frame. You’re new to this, and you’re just getting used to the process and the experiment.

That’s ok.

Keep going, and see what happens.

You may find that something like 7 out of 10 goals are achieved… consistently.

If this is the case then this is awesome. Can you imagine 7 out of every 10 intentions you set coming into your reality, consistently? Most traders on the stock market would be very happy with that result. You just need to keep focussing on things that bring you more of what you want.

This is a brilliant process to go through, because it attunes you to what you want, rather than what you don’t want.

The reason most people fail with achieving their goals is simply because they don’t focus on having their chosen outcome… they focus on NOT having it. I.e. on worrying about it. This systematic approach keeps you working on what you want… which is a great shift to make.

And over time, you will build up enough evidence to know without any doubt that the most reliable way to get an outcome is to set and intention and focus your energy on the outcome you want. The more you practice, the more certain you will become, and consequently, the more successful you will get at this approach.


Your Experiment Can Begin Right Now!

So there you have it.

Believe me, it’s a skill worth mastering.

After all – it doesn’t just apply to finding parking spaces or being given cups of coffee.

Far from it…

I’ve used it to win competitions, land a book deal, find the perfect Porsche for my budget and style – with no effort or research. I’ve used it to build a six figure income from nothing, been given shares to a company just months before they’ve hit the big time, been given otherwise expensive advice for the price of a glass of wine, and created the most amazing experiences and relationships with awesome people around the world.

It all begins by believing that you are the creator of everything that happens in your world…

And then DARING to choose the good things! (ReTweet This)

The things you really want, rather than struggle and hard work.

And this begins not by taking my word for it – but testing this out for yourself in a series of experiments over the next 14 days.

You can get going right now…


Go ahead and write in the comments below, what your first experiment is going to be…

And as always, I’m here to help, and I read every comment and email.

To Your Inevitable Success!

Laura Leigh Clarke



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