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Success Advice

14 Nuggets Of Business Wisdom By Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki



Image Credit: Unsplash

Today we feature 14 Nuggets Of Business Wisdom shared by the two most sought after Entrepreneurs with the Midas Touch, Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosakiwho have, in a combined effort, sold over 36 million copies of their business and finance books worldwide. After witnessing what both of these incredible businessmen have to offer during my visit to the National Achievers Congress in Sydney, Australia earlier this year, I’d say that this successful duo have some pretty valuable lessons to also share with you.

Read on for the 14 valuable points to consider when running your own business by Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki.


Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki’s Keys To Success

1. Seek to discover that little thing in your business that can be a big thing to your customers, Uncover your gift..

2. Select your tactic and choose strategies to make the tactic happen. Keep it simple and executable.

3. Recognize it’s your job to focus the mission and bring the B-I triangle to life.

4. The Midas Touch requires discipline. You can be a rebel, but understand that it will demand new levels of personal, financial and business responsibility.

5. Be generous with your energy and success. Bring others along for the ride and reward them well. The Midas Touch is not a sport, It is a team effort.

6. There are no little things, everything matters, so hire wisely and inspire your team with your vision. They will be the ones that carry it out and represent you.

7. Think big, set your vision high and go for it. You’ll be shocked by what you can accomplish when you do.

8. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth fighting for. You’ll have lots of people and obstacles in your way. Work and fight to get beyond them.

9. Don’t delay. Every day that you work in your business without a vision, without a plan and without proving it works is another day that you delay your success.

10. Discover your true self and surround yourself with people who compliment your gifts and models of operation.

11. Commit to being a life long learner by studying successful business and people to understand the little things that count in their business.

12. Design your business from the start so that it is leverageable, expandable, predictable and financeable.

13. Realize that an Entrepreneurs most important gift to the world is jobs, security and well-being for others.

14. Recognize that the world needs more Entrepreneurs. Everyone is counting on you.


Article By Donald Trump & Robert Kiyosaki – The Midas Touch

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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