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Success Advice

Tony Robbins Top 10 MUST Read Books to Expand Your Mind



tony robbins must read books

Tony Robbins is arguably one of the top Speakers and Life Strategists of this decade and has worked with some of the world’s top leaders and high level entrepreneurs to optimize their life and business performance. Tony spends a lot of time in between his sold out events and Fortune 500 meetings reading the best content he can get his hands on to feed his mind with the most profound knowledge and strategies so he can become a person of value.

Tony Robbins often says that reading a book is like compiling decades into days. Why not extract the lessons and experiences of others and dump them into your mind from the great reads that are available out there for you.

Here are 10 books that Tony Robbins recommends! Watch the video below:

Tribe of Mentors by Tim Ferriss

Four-time #1 best-selling author Tim Ferriss tracks down more than 100 eclectic experts to help him, and you, navigate life. Through short, action-packed profiles, he shares their secrets for success, happiness, meaning, and more. No matter the challenge or opportunity, something in these pages can help.

Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Psychiatrist Viktor Frankl’s memoir has riveted generations of readers with its descriptions of life in Nazi death camps and its lessons for spiritual survival.

At the time of Frankl’s death in 1997, Man’s Search for Meaning had sold more than 10 million copies in twenty-four languages. A 1991 reader survey for the Library of Congress that asked readers to name a “book that made a difference in your life” found Man’s Search for Meaning among the ten most influential books in America.

Principles by Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio, one of the world’s most successful investors and entrepreneurs, shares the unconventional principles that he’s developed, refined, and used over the past forty years to create unique results in both life and business—and which any person or organization can adopt to help achieve their goals.

Living Forward by Michael Hyatt & Daniel Harkavy

New York Times bestselling author Michael Hyatt and executive coach Daniel Harkavy show us how to design a life with the end in mind, determining in advance the outcomes we desire and path to get there. In this step-by-step guide, they share proven principles that help readers create a simple but effective life plan so that they can get from where they are now to where they really want to be–in every area of life.

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

START WITH WHY shows that the leaders who’ve had the greatest influence in the world all think, act, and communicate the same way — and it’s the opposite of what everyone else does. Simon Sinek calls this powerful idea The Golden Circle, and it provides a framework upon which organizations can be built, movements can be led, and people can be inspired. And it all starts with WHY.

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen

Widely considered the greatest self-help book of all-time, As a Man Thinketh reveals how our thoughts determine our character, circumstances, health, appearance, and achievements. The choice is ours: either master our thoughts to create the life we want, or remain mired in frustration and failure.

The TB12 Method by Tom Brady: How to Achieve a Lifetime of Sustained Peak Performance

After using his methods for over a decade, Brady believes that the TB12 approach has made him—and can make any athlete, male or female, in any sport and at any level—achieve their own peak performance. With instructions, drills, photos, in-depth case studies that Brady himself has used, as well as personal anecdotes and experiences from on and off the field, The TB12 Method is the only book an athlete will ever need, a playbook from Brady himself that will change the game.

Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got by Jay Abraham: 21 Ways You Can Out-Think, Out-Perform, and Out-Earn the Competition

A trusted advisor to America’s top corporations and recognized as one of today’s preeminent marketing experts, Jay Abraham has created a program of proven strategies to help you realize undreamed-of success!

This book focuses on helping you spot the hidden assets, overlooked opportunities, and untapped resources around you, and gives you, and gives you fresh eyes with which to see and capitalize on them. You’ll also learn how to adapt and apply these tools to your unique circumstances to maximize your income, influence, power, and success.

Emerson: Essays and Lectures

Tony Robbins says he was hugely inspired by Emerson’s essays on the subject when he was beginning his career as a coach. Tony said “Self-reliance is a theme all human beings, especially those living in the Western world, have to fully understand if they’re going to do well in a world that’s changing constantly”.

Linchpin by Seth Godin: Are You Indispensable?

Few authors have had the kind of lasting impact and global reach that Seth Godin has had. In a series of now-classic books that have been translated into 36 languages and reached millions of readers around the world, he has taught generations of readers how to make remarkable products and spread powerful ideas. In Linchpin, he turns his attention to the individual, and explains how anyone can make a significant impact within their organization.

Here is the podcast interview I did with Tony Robbins. Tony absolutely rocked it and I’m sure you will enjoy this audio.

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.

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