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10 Ways Your Life is Like a Video Game



life is a video game
Image Credit | Joel Brown

Watch this amazing TED presentation by Steve Kamb to find out how you can live your life like an awesome video game.

Steve Kamb has taken his online business to another level and experienced some mind blowing things all because of the way he sees life. Steve has applied the most addicting and enjoyable aspects of video game culture to leveling up in real life, culminating in his worldwide Epic Quest of Awesome.

Here’s how Steve Kamb, founder of Nerd Fitness, often compares life to a video game and his perspective for you:

  1. Leveling Up: Think of your life like a character in an RPG. Each day, you’re grinding experience points. Whether you’re learning a new skill, hitting the gym, or tackling a project, you’re leveling up your stats.
  2. Quests and Side Missions: Your goals are like main quests in a game, but don’t ignore the side missions. These are the hobbies, adventures, and passions that make life richer and more enjoyable.
  3. Health Bar: Just like in games, your health bar matters. You need to take care of your body with proper nutrition, exercise, and rest to avoid burnout and stay in peak condition.
  4. Inventory Management: Your time, energy, and resources are limited. Manage them wisely. Keep your inventory clutter-free by focusing on what truly matters and dropping what doesn’t serve you.
  5. Boss Battles: Challenges and obstacles are like boss battles. They’re tough, but they’re designed to test your skills and push you to grow. Embrace them and learn from each defeat.
  6. Guilds and Parties: You don’t have to go solo. Surround yourself with a supportive crew, your guild or party, who can help you, provide advice, and make the journey more fun.
  7. Unlocking Achievements: Celebrate your victories, big and small. Achievements aren’t just for gamers; acknowledging your progress keeps you motivated and focused.
  8. Character Customization: Personal development is like customizing your character. Invest in yourself, refine your strengths, and work on your weaknesses to become the best version of you.
  9. Exploration: Don’t just stick to the main storyline. Explore new areas, try new things, and step out of your comfort zone. The world is vast and full of opportunities.
  10. Game Over?: There’s no real game over until it’s all over. If you fail, respawn, learn from your mistakes, and try again. Every setback is just another chance to improve and come back stronger.

Life, much like a video game, is an adventure full of opportunities to grow, learn, and have fun. So, grab your controller and start playing to win!


Steve Kamb – Treating Life As A Video Game

Checkout Steve Kamb’s Awesome Blog:

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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