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5 Positive Things That People Forget When They Are Feeling Down And Out



a homeless man with his dog reading a newspaper on the side of a street feeling down and out
Image Credit | Joel Brown

Losing confidence at some point in life is natural and human. May be you have done something that makes you feel bad about yourself, or you have lost a close partner or friend. There are many things that could be giving you a bad feeling. This is common to all human beings. Nevertheless, what matters most is how you handle those situations and moments when feeling down and out.

Although you may be feeling down at one point in life, it is important to note that this is never meant to last.

When going through tough times, it’s a great idea to consider the following points.


The 5 Important Positives


1. Remember your past successes

When going through the hard knock moments, it is important to remember positive aspects of your life. Consider achievements that you have accomplished in your life. Sometimes when going through a moment of feeling down and out you may forget what you have accomplished in the past.

To regain your confidence, consider things you have done successfully in the past. Instances when you have been commended for good performance or moments when you have felt good about yourself. Consider these achievements as an indication that you can overcome what you are going through.


2. Your strengths

Having accomplished some goals in the past is an indication that you have what it takes to be successful. Remember your strengths and what made you successful in these instances.

Consider instances when you have accomplished what others have been unable to achieve. Maybe you have managed to achieve good grades in your college studies while others have not. Everyone has some sort of standout strength, so if you are in doubt, ask someone close to you what they believe to be your strongest points.


3. Consider the people you have in your life

When feeling down and out, it is important to consider the amazing people you have in life. These could be your family members, children or friends. Spend more time with these people especially if they know how to encourage you during hard times. By having fun with loved ones, you will realize that your bad feeling will disappear. Remind yourself that there are people out there who are not fortunate enough to have a good support group of friends and family in their life and that this is something you should definitely appreciate more. Some have lost family members through accidents and others are orphans. Consider yourself lucky for having such people in your life and be happy for them.

Also, look around you and be real with yourself, if you have crappy negative friends then they are only going to drag you down.


4. Consider things you have overcome in the past

This is not the first time you are experiencing challenges in life. There are times when you have come across even more complicated things in life and overcome. This should give you confidence that you will also overcome even the one you are facing currently. It is always important to have positive thoughts about yourself during these times.View yourself as a winner and bear in mind that your current situation is just a drop in the ocean.

Regain your confidence by convincing yourself that most of the worries you are having do not exist in real sense. You are just creating and making them look bigger in your mind, they are not there in the real world and can only be overcome by having positive thoughts about you and your life.


5. Consider your environment

There are people who are living in an environment worse than the one you have. Look around and see the beauty of your home. What you own, the animals and beautiful landscape. Consider what you have and ought to be happy and thankful for. Once you notice this, do not waste any more time being down and out. Be happy, lively and enjoy what life has offered you.

Not everybody has a chance to live in the kind of environment where you are. This should give you a reason to be happy and confident about yourself. Remember that in a good environment where there is peace, you can achieve greater things. Always remember that some people live in worse environments than you. Therefore, make the most from your environment and be happy about yourself.

Feeling down and out is one of the major challenges that can make you lose confidence and even question your abilities. Nevertheless, when you consider positive things you have done in your life you will easily overcome these situations. Also be around people who encourage you when feeling down and out. The most important thing is to avoid negative thoughts about your life. Instead, focus on things that boost your confidence.

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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