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4 Tips To Start Your Day In A Blissful State Of Mind



4 Tips To Start Your Day In A Blissful State Of Mind

How you wake up in the morning sets the tone for the rest of your day.Does a typical day for you start by waking up 30 minutes late after you hit the snooze button one too many times, rushing around the house, sipping your coffee, ironing your clothes before racing out the door with your burnt toast in your hands or do you wake up, meditate, go for a run, and eat a healthy breakfast before heading out the door right on time.

If we begin the day feeling frustrated and tired chances are the day will continue in the same way. How would you like to wake up every day feeling ecstatic?

I want to share with you the best morning ritual I have ever encountered, guaranteed to make you feel ready for anything. If you don’t believe me I implore you to give it a go for the next 7 days.


Step 1: Choose 3 songs that you love to listen to

The first song is your gratitude song – all of the things you are grateful for in life; the second song is your power song that energises you and gives you a mini workout at the same time; lastly, the third song is your spiritual song. This song is representative of who you are as a person and the goals you want to achieve in life.

“Gratitude opens the door to… the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe. You open the door through gratitude”. – Deepak Chopra

Step 2: Write down negative beliefs

Once you have chosen your three songs. The next step is to think of six negative beliefs you have about yourself. By asking yourself the following questions you will be able to ascertain your current negative beliefs that are holding you back.

What do you beat yourself up about? What is a problem in your life that you want to solve? Are you having trouble believing in yourself to achieve a goal? What is an obstacle you are facing at present?

Write down on a piece of paper the six negative beliefs you have about yourself that are holding you back from achieving your goals and that you would like to change.


Step 3: Change the negatives to positives

Rearrange your negative beliefs in order of importance from one to six, starting with the belief you would most like to change. The next step involves changing each of those negative beliefs into a positive belief. Write down all of your positive beliefs on a new piece of paper.

Then burn the piece of paper with the negative beliefs on it. Burning is a powerful release ritual that has been used for centuries. The idea of burning your negative beliefs is that it is a representation of what you wish to release from your life. You are burning what you want to let go of from the past in order for you to move forward and create a brighter future.

Change your thoughts

Step 4: Every morning play the 3 songs in the following order – gratitude, power and spiritual song

During the gratitude song, think of everything you are grateful for in your entire life; people, places, animals, nature, your home, family,  or car. Absolutely everything you can think of.

Now for the fun part, during the power song, dance and jump around saying the positive beliefs you wrote down continuously until the end of the song. The idea is for the positive beliefs to get into your body. For you to really feel the words that you are speaking so they are ingrained into your being.

During the last song – the spiritual song, this is your time for future pacing. Visualise all of your dreams coming true as though they are real right here and now. Visualize the sounds, smells, tastes and most importantly feel how you will feel when they come true. Creating the emotion you will feel and visualizing every detail of your dream is the most important element of future pacing.

“Future pacing allows a person to see, hear, feel and experience what they would like to manifest through experiencing it, it imprints itself within the subconscious mind” – Donald Currie

This is definitely the best morning ritual in the world. It is guaranteed to make you feel truly alive which creates a feeling of ecstasy – it is simply the best way to start your day.

Angelina Zimmerman is a Head Coach & Trainer who specialises in mindset coaching and workshops to help people shift their mindset from a fixed to a growth mindset in order to promote exponential growth to achieve personal and professional goals.



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