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3 Things That Are Often Overlooked That Determine How High You Go in Life



What determines your success

Living the life of your dreams and achieving great success is not as far-fetched as you may think. Although, the necessary steps taken are determined by your attitude. To reach that height, live that dream, experience the good unexpected, the list of regular sayings we hear are:

  • Get out of your comfort zone
  • Be broke for a while  
  • Be willing to do whatever it takes
But there are some things that are often overlooked yet mandatory needed to go high in life. Here are 3 things to stop overlooking:

1. Value creation

Before you get to the top, you must have something of value to offer. You could call it something you trade in exchange for money. No matter your current situation in life, before money comes to you, your voice being heard, climbing the corporate ladder, being a best-selling author, the genesis of it all is value creation. To get to your said height, you must create something of value to serve the public.

Never underestimate your thoughts on value creation. The more you think your ideas suck and may not work out, the better. But do not stop believing in what you can achieve because that is the only genius thing you can do for yourself. Our world is tired of seeing the regular. A wise man once said “If you aren’t scared at first, you aren’t doing the thing right.”

“Try not to become a man of success but a man of value. Look around how people want to get more out of life than they put in. A man of value will give more than he receives. Be creative, but make sure that what you create is not a curse for mankind” – Albert Einstein

2. Value sustainability

Now you created something from nothing. Let’s think 50 years ahead from your moment of creation. How many people will still make use of your project? Will your competitor make your created value obsolete? Will you get tired of it one day and allow your project go into extinction? How best can you sustain your idea in the nearest future? You should have seen the profile of some proud companies.

For example: XYZ company since 1802. How awesome is that? Obviously the pathfinder of the idea is no more but kids or relatives willingly embraced its vision thereby moving the business forward. The project is beautifully handed unto generations because the sole owner created a vision that others could personalize with. How many people can personalize with your created value? Can it be handed unto generations? To get to that unlimited height, your value must be sustained in the nearest future.


3. Social responsibility

So long as you breathe, you must pay your dues no matter how little. Philanthropy should be your everyday living rule. You may constantly give yourself excuses by saying you haven’t started making much which I totally agree with. But consider some people out there live below $1 every day. You could play an awesome rule in someone else’s life.

You are not only asked to provide help financially but little things like volunteering for something of a good course. You should know of the popular adage “Givers Never Lack.” One way to determine your height isn’t to acquire endless talent, IQ, or even money but by simply giving because immeasurable blessings flow from that angle. This is the major reason most entrepreneurs and celebrities have foundations.

“Happiness doesn’t result from what we get but from what we give” – Ben Carson

Renowned speaker Dr. Olumide Emmanuel in one of his audio tapes said we should consider giving back to Mother Nature our rental payment.

Have you overlooked these steps? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

Evelyn Uche is an entrepreneur and a serial writer with a strong passion for start-ups. She is the editor and founder of the business blog known as ThisIsBusiness247 where she publishes daily articles on business news & events. You can follow her blog on Twitter to get her latest updates.



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