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10 Stellar Qualities Of True Winners



Some say winners are born, others say they are made. However you term it, winners have admirable qualities that separate them from the many. They are rare and unique.

To be a winner you have to understand what winners do to succeed. And it all starts from their habits or admirable traits which help them navigate the hurdles and uncertainties of life.

Here are 10 stellar qualities of winners:

1. They are solid

Winners don’t rely on luck or believe in accidents. They make their own luck. They know that at the end of the day what is required of them is not in bits or parts. Winners are all in and consistent to the core.


2. They retain their values

What people will admire in a winner at the end of the day, may not be their looks or talents. It could come down to their character and what they truly represent. What’s their identity and what core values do they uphold.


3. They are mentally strong

Winners stay on top of their game by retaining mental acuteness and staying strong despite the odds they are faced with. They would delay gratification and discipline themselves so they can succeed at what they do.


4. They connect

True winners know that victory is not about them. It is about everyone on their team and even people who cheered them on when they were fatigued. They connect with their team, their audience, supporters and even those who they have defeated.

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.” – Michael Jordan

5. They listen

True winners are not adamant or stubborn. They listen. They know the importance of adapting and swimming with the tides. If it doesn’t object with their core values, true winners will listen and see how they can modify their way to success.


6. They know their strengths and flaws

True winners are best at what they do. They do not deal with cards that they do not have. They know what they can take and what they cannot take. Importantly, such knowledge helps them make decisions they can solidly stay with.


7. They contribute

They are not selfish. True winners are always looking for ways to improve their environment. They want to contribute and participate rather than just stand on the sidelines. They would do what is necessary to make sure their environment feels their impact or efforts.


8. They are optimistic

True winners are not negative. They know that things could go right if they stay on course and develop the right strategies to tackle problems. They are believers in possibilities rather than impossibilities.


9. They assume responsibility

They do not shy away from responsibility or the mantle of leadership. They would always step up to the plate and do what is necessary for the greater good of all. They do not make excuses or accept such, rather it is about taking charge and fixing whatever they find is wrong.


10.They seek support in other winners

They know that to be a winner you need to establish the right relationships with others who have a winning mentality. They seek support and walk in strides with people who recognize and can strengthen their cause. At the end of the day what will take you from where you are to where you should be will be reliance on the right network of support, especially when the chips are down.

“You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.” – Zig Ziglar

Winners may be rare, but they are present in our society. It all starts from acknowledging what greatness is within you and the desire to step up your game. Winners do not accept mediocrity or tolerate average, they continually strive for excellence in what they do.

Yes you could add that they are passionate and enthusiastic in this regard, but what matters is that they are willing to do what is necessary to always reach their goals.

Do you have the qualities of a true winner? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

Casey Imafidon is the Managing Partner of Venus Media Ltd and has written success advice for several online publications from, under30ceo, and many more. He has also developed written content for top brands like Flightnetwork, Iwrite, Archetypes and many more. To succeed requires just more than talent, but grit, the right attitude and desire. Never miss a post! Visit his website  or follow him on Twitter.

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