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10 Powerful Ways to Stop Feeling Overworked



10 Powerful Ways to Stop Feeling Overworked

In this digital era, everyone feels overworked. We all are flooded with lots of information. With more information comes more ideas. With more ideas, there is an urge to implement all these ideas.

By spreading the wings in all directions, we are not able to concentrate on our main work. As a result, we are trapped under the illusion of overwork.

There are two solid reasons for calling your overwork an “illusion

  • You are the source of all your thoughts. You have the power to create a heaven or hell for yourself.
  • In order to stay away from self-guilt, we start plotting overburden stories. By focusing on these stories, we create a cursing zone in which we blame the external conditions only.
If you are feeling overworked, these 10 tips will help you to have a productive lifestyle:


1. Overburden decreases your productivity

Your success is not determined by the “hours of your hard work”. Your success is determined by the “productive hours of your hard work”.  More time on your tasks is not equivalent to more output.

Recharge your body by relaxing. Remember one thing: You are just a human being, not a machine. In order to bring out the creative elements, your body needs some proper rest.

“Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing.” – Lao Tzu

2. Know your initial point

How does it feel by looking at the pile of folders or emails waiting for you? You feel exhausted by looking at them only. Before starting the work, you frame an impossible image in your mind.

Only one question haunts you: From where to start from? While writing this post also, I devoted some time for writing the introduction. It gave me the lead to discussing different sub-heading with ease. Before starting anything, devote some quality time on your initial point for gaining focus and clarity.


3. Stop procrastining your small targets

When you are handed small targets, you simply twist your face (with an ease on your face) with a simple thought: Tomorrow, I will handle this small baby. And, the tomorrow never comes.

When the deadline comes near, all these small tasks pile up together to become a big beast. Now, you twist your face (with stress on your face) with a pessimistic thought: If I am overburdened by small things, how will I cope up with big tasks. Before taking a splash in the negative pool, finish your work on time without any delays.


4. Know your working mojo

Are you a morning or a nocturnal person? Do you feel refreshed after starting a day by meditating or by taking meditative breaks between your works? You have to recognize your magic charm for gaining your rhythm.

By understanding your fertile zones, plant the seeds of success by watering your hard work in the proper manner. In this zone, you suck all the creative juices within to give your best results. Working Mojo differs from person to person. So, you don’t need to copy anyone.


5. Plan your work by focusing on a single goal

Clear off all the distractions to work on your single goal. Don’t mess up the whole situation by putting your legs in different directions. At the end of the day, you are not going to find any meaning from your hard work.

A small magnifying glass is capable of burning a sheet of paper. It has the ability to “focus” the sun’s rays at one point. In a similar manner, focus all your energies on a single goal to burn out all negativity from your life.

“This one step – choosing a goal and sticking to it – changes everything.” – Scott Reed

6. Don’t bombard yourself by the cloud of over-thinking

By over-analyzing, you dig a grave for yourself. Let me explain, why? Instead of adding more bricks of optimism, you form a crack in the previously settled bricks by putting so much weight on the foundation of your thoughts.

Due to the weak foundation, your work demolishes in front of your own eyes. Before starting anything, you create a cloud of doubts. So, begin your work with a clear picture in mind.


7. Stop complaining and start accepting

I was not able to complete the task, due to…. (there are many reasons). Does it sound familiar? It is very easy to pass on the blame on other’s shoulders. You always have some reason to coat your shortcomings.

Accept your fault and start working on your weak points. There is no use of gaining any temporary happiness. In the long run, you can’t escape by simply playing the blame game. Have the guts to take the responsibility for your actions.


8. Make a proper schedule

Prioritize your work by allocating a different amount of time for every task. Firstly, finish off the most difficult task. You will feel relaxed after the completion.

Then, you can focus on other important tasks. Do not pick any random stuff. Plan daily, weekly and, monthly strategies. Analyze each strategy at the end of the day, week, and the month. Ask one thing: How much time will I take to complete this task? Then, set realistic deadlines.


9. Indulge in “stress-free” time

While you are surrounded with external work, spare some time for yourself. When you are not getting a way out, take a deep breath to calm down. This time is not restricted to you only.

It represents the wonderful interaction with everyone to make you forget about the busyness of life. So, interact with your family members. Play with your kids or indulge in your hobbies. Do not pollute this time with your official work.


10. Don’t say yes to everything

You must have heard this proverb: All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Let us design this proverb to understand the importance of ‘no’. All ‘yeses’ and no ‘noes’ make you a dull individual. Don’t add more miseries by agreeing on every point.

You must keep your point forward and eliminate the excessive junk from your schedule. If you are finding it hard to say ‘no’ to your office colleague or friend immediately, say you’ll come back with an answer later.


Thank you for reading my article! I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below!

Yatin Khulbe is a content writer who enjoys the company of small kids. He is the founder of the personal development blog-Buddytation: Connect With Your Inner Buddy. He helps everybuddy to realize their true dreams by sharing ideas on personal growth, motivation and happiness. Join him to build a buddysphere of positive thoughts.



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