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10 Actions You Can Take That Will Dramatically Change Your Life



dramatically changed your life
Image Credit | Joel Brown

Someone once said “experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.” However, it can be difficult to figure out exactly what that test is. We are not going to go into the usual jargon about taking up a hobby, going for a jog, or joining a self-improvement group. Changing our lives can be complex. Nonetheless, the flow of life is onward and upward irrespective of our need for self adjustment.

Here are the actions you can take to create dramatic change in your life.


10 Things You Can Do Right Now To Change Your Life


#1 Get over It!

Yep, that’s it. Get over life. Stop making life more complicated than it is. Everything happens for a reason, and when one door shuts, another one opens. Once we stop resisting life and live it, we will see dramatic changes take place. One famous and wealthy actress who once lived in a homeless shelter stated “I learned that I could live through any situation. I grew into a person who knew that they could always make their own way.”

Learn your lesson, get over it, and move on.


#2 Change Your Outlook

Dramatic changes calls for employing that stint of courage that propels us to make positive changes in our lives. Prepare for positive and new things to enter your life. A shift in consciousness is all that is needed to make the changes you seek.


#3 Go for it!

If you are dreaming of something bigger, it won’t come to you. You will have to go out there and get it. Jenna Fischer, an actress on the hit TV show “The Office,” made a trip from her hometown to Los Angeles expecting to land a super job within a year. However, it took much longer. But patience paid off and she eventually landed movie roles and started producing.


#4 Don’t Give Up

Good things come to those who do not give up, not to those who wait! Change requires action but those changes won’t usually happen over night. In 1983, Dewey Bozella, then an amateur boxer, was convicted of a murder he did not commit. It took over 20 years for his name to be cleared. Free to continue pursuing his dream of becoming a boxer, he was 52, stepped into the ring against a 30 year old fighter and won! At the end of the night he said “Don’t every give up.” Lesson learned.


#5 Go on a Diet

Many of us have tried various diets whether to loose weight or gain it. But those are not the types of diets we are referring to here. In order to make significant changes in your life you should try a “mental diet.” Get out all the clutter that’s been stuck in your brain for eons. That means releasing yourself from the negative thoughts that keep you from being the person you wish to be.


#6 Be Thankful

Instead of wondering through life like an ungrateful tormentor always wanting more, more, more, maybe its time to appreciate what you already have. It may not seem like much, but making this type of change in your life will help you feel better about yourself, thereby, changing your outlook on life.


#7 Chill Out

Today, it seems so difficult for people to simply relax. Beating the walls and making a big hoot about everything will only make you a nuisance, and no one will want to be around you. Former US president Ronald Regan once stated “its true, hard work never killed anybody, but why take the chance.”

There’s a difference between hard work and working hard. If you have the “all or nothing” attitude, change it.


#8 Become Less Sensitive

Sometimes changing ourselves requires “seeing ourselves as others do.” If you are one of those people that others feel the need to “walk on eggshells” whenever they are around you maybe they are on to something. Our own thoughts about ourselves are always the most important, but delusional musing is a great obstacle to change.


#9 Have a Broader Sense of Humor

Nothing changes the heart and mind like a good laugh. Laughter creates an opening where tension and fear once closed the door. Even while alone, have a few funny quotes you read that generates a deeply rich honest chuckle. A humorous quote by political satirist and entertainer Mark Russell says “the scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entirely of lost airline baggage.” It’s imaginative and funny.


#10 Love

The love being referenced to here is not the clinging, dark, jealous, possessive love that makes you hate yourself and causes others to run away from you. Love in general is the modus operandi referred to here. It’s easy to point the finger at others but love understands because we are not perfect ourselves. It changes you because you become more perceptive.


You can probably think of a few other ideas that can result in dramatic changes in your life or someone else’s. All that is required is the desire to change.’


Tony Robbins - Change Your Life Picture Quote


I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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