There’s a hell of a lot of complaining going on. All of you want to live your passion or say that’s what you want. Then you...
Have you ever wondered how successful people always have their way? When they speak, everyone listens. If they have a request, they meet ZERO resistance. Whatever...
Every week I give away tons of content for free. People sometimes think I never sleep and am a content generating machine that lives off vegetables...
“In your video, you really touched on the importance and value of having a moment to yourself every morning, how valuable do you believe taking those...
In the not-so-distant past, I didn’t know the first thing about success. I was aimless and lacked the passion to achieve. I was stuck in a...
The headline sounds like a plea and that’s because it is. It’s time we take action and make a stand. Many of us are unhappy and...
Let me guess, you’ve been putting something off recently. You’ve been dreaming of starting a business, writing a book, or talking to that attractive person in...
You can’t go into work anymore without a full-body shudder. The thought of doing whatever it is you’ve been doing for a couple years today is...
Firstly, I don’t give a damn whether you work for someone or you are an entrepreneur. These skills I’m about to talk about are relevant to...
You might have heard of the idea that people should get out of their comfort zone. For creatures of habits, this is a concept that seems...
I’ve become addicted to random acts of kindness that I do during my work day. There’s no loser. Everyone wins. Random acts of kindness are the...
A recruiter approached me to do some business development work for a tech company as a side gig. I told him to setup a face-to-face meeting...
When your career is in the dumps, the typical advice is, “Don’t worry and stay positive.” While this idea looks nice on paper it’s not going...
Extraordinary businesses are much more about evolution than revolution. Small daily insignificant improvements lead to staggering results over time. Companies such as Google, Uber, Nike and...
We have always believed that we need to be smart, well-organized, hard-working and tough negotiators to be successful at work. However, has anyone told you to...
One of the greatest skills you can master is public speaking and Warren Buffet agrees. No Jedi Master skill like public speaking is achieved easily. It...
Think about the space industry for a second; one of the world’s most expensive, complex, and bureaucratic industries you can find. Now, imagine one day a...
I wanted to say a little something about mentors. I think many people have forgotten a few details. Let’s start with this: Mentors come into your...
Imagine you’re a part of a filming team and you want to do a movie shot deep in the Amazonian rainforest. You need a specific waterfall...
Whether you’ve been laid off, fired or even quit voluntarily, losing a job can land like a kick in the crotch. It’s not just the vanished...
All of us who visit secretly want to be featured, gain claps and spread our message to the world. Many of you email me and...
In 1922, Albert Einstein was in Tokyo when he learned that he was going to be awarded the Nobel Prize. Out of cash, his “tip” to...
“Busy” is the answer a loser gives. The only thing I feel when people say this to me is pity. It’s a damn shame that we...
I have no payment walls on my website. You can message me for free 24/7. There is no 30-day course with a one-time special offer. My...
Fear is such an ugly critter isn’t it? We’re afraid of too many things: Spiders, heights, the dark and change. Oh how terrified we are of...
No one can be a bigger critic than you. Your brain is wired to value negative information more than positive information and to gather the evidence...
Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald made writing look like a playboy’s game. Given to hard drinking and high living, they were famously careless and spendthrift....
Many of you are amazed at how much content I publish every month. I wanted to take you behind the scenes as once you understand my...
In the times when we periodically pause to take stock of our lives, it’s been my observation that many of us feel disappointed with where we...
The other day I was putting together a guide for my clients on how to succeed in social media. All of a sudden, I had an...