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Tony Robbins 6 Key Principles For Finding Your True Identity




Among our most important beliefs are those we hold about who we are.

People have enormous capabilities beyond what’s thought to be possible. The power to tap into our tremendous potential comes from our identity: how we define ourselves, and what believe we can achieve.

Identity is the strongest force in human personality. We all have a deep and abiding need to remain consistent with how we define ourselves. Any transformation you make within yourself will depend on your ability to expand this identity. By building a new, empowering set of beliefs, you can create a lasting transformation within yourself and in your life.


Tony Robbins Key Principles of Identity


1. Identity is the most important power that determines our actions

We will act according to our views of who we truly are—whether these views are accurate or not.


2. Once we know who we are, we must learn to be ourselves

Trying to live in a way that’s inconsistent with our true nature will create a life of frustration, stress and disappointment. We must learn to embrace our deepest needs, desires, strengths, fears, values and beliefs in order to create harmony and tap into our tremendous potential.


3. Sometimes, people maintain the illusion that their behaviour decides who they really are

Nothing could be further from the truth. We have all experienced moments of anxiety and defeat, and as a result have said or done things that don’t reflect who we are. This does not make these behaviours a part of our identity. Rather, they are momentary lapses or unique attempts to meet our needs in the moment.


4. When you take responsibility, you restore your identity

When we create unfavourable or hostile situations, we should take action to repair any harm that we may have caused.


5. The fastest way to expand our identity is to do something that’s inconsistent with our current self-image

For example, complete a physical challenge like surfing or sky diving as a way to shake things up.


6. Our personal identities are in a constant state of evolution

We all contain the power to reinvent ourselves and create a new, empowered identity that expands what is possible in our lives. The key is to take conscious control of the beliefs we are creating about ourselves, so they can propel us toward what we desire most.


Tony Robbins Inspirational Life Picture Quote


Article originally by Tony Robbins | Checkout Tony Robbins Blog here

Check out Tony’s top 63 Quotes here

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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