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Success Advice

3 Red Flags That Your Energy Is Repelling Coaching Clients



Image Credit: Unsplash

You’ve had a big sales month, maybe even a few, and now it’s time to put your nose to the grindstone and deliver. However, there’s one small problem. You’re so busy doing client delivery, you don’t have the space to market, sell, and onboard new clients.

This means your cash dries up and it’s only a matter of time before that feast and famine feeling hits you again. Leaving you with the very real problem of wanting to bring on new clients, but not being available for it.

The worst part? This is only one scenario where you’ve become energetically unavailable for more clients. If you’re not sure whether or not this common challenge is affecting you, here’s the litmus test. 

If you have an offer that you know your audience needs and desires—especially one that’s converted in the past—and the clients aren’t showing up, closing, or converting, there’s an energetic discrepancy between what you want (AKA: more clients) and what you’re available for. 

What you want and what have the space to receive are two different things. You can desire something deeply but not have the ability to receive it because there’s no space for it. 

For example, you can want a gazebo for your home, but if you don’t have a yard to put it in, you can’t actually have one. The same goes when your mind and energy are unavailable. 

Here are 3 red flags that your energy is repelling coaching clients.

1. Overwhelm

When your mind, emotions, or body are overwhelmed, you send out a signal of “I have too much”. This creates a massive discrepancy between I want more clients and I’m overloaded and overwhelmed. If you’re feeling overworked, overtired, or overwhelmed, signing new clients only represents more of that burden. While new clients will lift the financial burden, your mental, emotional, and physical burden (which are more closely related to your survival instincts) are still heavy. It’s because of this perceived threat to your well-being that energetically you will become unavailable for more clients.

The good news is that overwhelm is often solved by implementing simple systems or bringing on team members that you can delegate to. When you’re no longer responsible for accomplishing every task in the business, you’ll find that you have more energetic availability to sign new clients.

“Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” – Albert Einstein

2. Fear of results

Have you ever worried that your clients won’t get results? Even the most talented, skillful, and revered coaches have felt this fear at some point in their careers. Why? Because this fear taps into imposter syndrome, making you doubt your ability to support your clients in getting results. 

Left unchecked, this fear will repel new clients. Doubt is contagious—and so is confidence. When you believe in your ability to get results for people, your potential clients step into that same energy. It makes the vision of what’s possible clear, helping them make their buying decision. Likewise, if your potential clients sense your fear or doubt in helping them create change, it will tap into their fear of failure. 

If you want to sign new clients, you have to believe in your core that you provide a solution that is of high value and provides powerful results for the clients who put in the work. When you show up with that unshakeable energy, people start lining up for the chance to work with you.

3. Identity mismatch

How you see yourself shapes how the world feels about you. While other people likely see you differently than you see yourself, your perception of you will impact the way you’re perceived by potential clients. More importantly, your identity will dictate what opportunities you notice and the conversations you have.

If you don’t believe that you’re the type of person who signs high-end clients (or any clients for that matter), then you won’t consistently sign clients. If you don’t believe you’re the type of person who is worthy of attention, you’ll continue to be the best-kept secret. If you don’t believe that you have the qualifications to support clients, you’ll subconsciously push them away to protect them.

When your identity does not align with your desires, you cannot achieve the goals that you have because you’re not the type of person who creates that level of success. The key here is understanding that your identity is flexible. It’s not set in stone. You have the ability to shift your identity. So if you find yourself saying things like, “people like me don’t do xyz,” or “I’m not capable of xyz,” understand that those statements are only as true as you allow them to be. You have the power to change your identity and open yourself up energetically to more clients.

Juliana Garcia is a Latina online entrepreneur who has created a $2.5 million dollar business helping skilled coaches clarify their marketing message to attract premium clients. She has pioneered a cutting-edge, client-centric approach that breaks the old-school marketing rules and focuses on selling through intimacy, integrity, strong mindset tools, and zero BS. Juliana’s early marketing career involved working on the launch of the movie Think & Grow Rich: The Legacy, and Napoleon Hill’s work has had a strong influence on her approach. Juliana’s company is focused on helping coaches set new standards for what’s possible in the coaching industry so they can create a rich, fulfilling, and sustainable business without the burnout. Juliana’s insights have been featured in Forbes and more.

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