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Success Advice

9 Time Management Tips To Maximize Productivity



time management maximis productivity

We all know how easy it is to carelessly drift through the day, getting little done. And what more can you can expect when email notifications are constantly tapping your shoulder every 2 minutes?

If that’s not bad enough, phone calls, text messages, annoying Facebook notification events, and twitter mentions can easily rob you of your time and productivity.

But as Marie Forleo says:

“everything is figure-outable”

Here are my 9 top time management tips to get the best out of each and everyday.


9 Effective Time Management Tips for Major Productivity


1. Hide or Un-install Social Media Apps

This is extra important If you use your smartphone for business purposes. Assuming you’re not strictly disciplined yet, the best thing is to hide your social media apps that tend to be a nuisance and distract you through the day.

It’s too easy to pick up your phone, see Facebook or Twitter, then end up doing something you never planned like browsing through the timeline.

If you can’t see it, you may not be as tempted or distracted from the task at hand.


2. Write down a list of “time wasters”

When I’m in writing mode or I have writing to do, I don’t want my phone ringing every second, I don’t want an extra tab open for Facebook or YouTube, etc. The same should go for you.

An easy way to find out what’s burning up all your time is to write down everything you feel isn’t helping you progress. Your list might look like –

  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • TV
  • Texting
  • Long phone calls with friends, family
  • Video Games
  • Obsessive email checking

You can’t maximize your productivity if you don’t even know where your time’s running off too. So get down everything that’s irrelevant or not serving your time well so you can manage your days better. For writing lists you can use apps like colornote or evernote, both available on the android and apple store.


3. Set Daily Goals With Reminders

If your goal is to run at least 1 mile everyday, and that goal is attached to a reminder or timer, you’ll be more inclined to do it. Nobody enjoys disappointing themselves right? A cool way you can do this is with the app Evernote. You can get it on the android and apple store for free.

Every morning or every night I’d recommend you set your daily goals with reminders for the day ahead. I find it’s so much easier to look at my daily goals before the day begins, because my minds fresh and absorbs the information easier. But you’re free to do it your own way of course, if that works for you.


4. Talk it out with friends and family

Our friends and family love to have our attention on a regular basis, and It’s no different for us either. But at the end of the day, when you’ve got important things to do whether it be business, or writing a new book, It’s best we let them know beforehand.

Talk it out with your friends and family. Let them know when it’s “your” time and at what time you’ll be available to speak and socialize with them. Help them understand so they wont have to feel “ignored” when you’re being extra productive.


5. Get rid of your TV

There was a time when I felt my TV wasn’t serving me too well, so I got rid of it not long after by selling it on eBay. As far as growth goes it was one of the best things I’ve ever done. I almost immediately had more time on my hands to do more of the great stuff that actually matters. It forced me to change my daily routine and the way I managed my time.

Maybe you’re in that predicament right now? Maybe you’re the type to be easily distracted by the TV and go a little overboard. If you don’t “need” it, and it’s ruining your productiveness, sell yours on eBay. You’ll be more than surprised by the results.

Time lost time management


6. Buy yourself a Year Planner

Getting yourself a year planner is guaranteed to boost your productivity and manage your time efficiently. All you’ve got to do is stick it somewhere it can be easily spotted, and write down your daily tasks before you get started with your day.

Or even write down tasks and important things ahead of time by filling out the entire month, or year if you choose. You can buy a year planner from Amazon for a pretty decent price.


7. Have a dedicated “productivity” room

If you run a home based business working straight from your laptop, having your own dedicated room is the best way to go.

Being at home as it is can be distracting in its self. You can’t expect to manage your time well if you’re sat in a room full of “tempting” things, like food, chocolate, smartphone, TV, newspapers, etc. You’ll only make it that much harder on yourself to concentrate.

Re-design a spare room and turn it into an office. Clear out any distractions from your “productivity” space so you can be razor sharp focused and fully committed.


8. Stop talking yourself out of it

You have deadlines to complete, you’ve got major things to do, yet instead of doing them, your good ol’ brain decides to talk you out of it. Take Nike’s advice and just do it. 

Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by all the “shiny” things that are begging for your attention.


9. Buy a book on time management

Nothing beats the power of a book when it comes to learning about a topic in depth. There’s just no comparison. Buy as many top notch books as you can on time management and get some fresh ideas to help you succeed.

Popular time management books include – The One Minute Manager & Getting Things Done.


Is there anything else I missed? Let me know in the comments!

Theo Ellis is a blogger, author, writer, and online retailer. Speaking on subjects such as confidence, personal development, he writes from personal experience to benefit the lives of others through



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