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11 Creative Ways To Get More Twitter Followers



Image Credit: Unsplash

Apply just a few of these techniques and you will rapidly double, or even triple, your devoted following of Twitter fans!


How To Get More Twitter Followers

In this revealing and informative article we will look at 10 of the best and most effective techniques to get more Twitter followers.


Strategy #1 – Use A Great Twitter Profile Photo!

When people scan through the list of potential Tweeters to follow one of the first things they will see is your profile photo. As such, you want to make sure that your photo is unique, interesting and eye-catching.

With a great photo your likelihood of attracting new twitter followers is significantly increased. It is also a good idea to change your photo regularly as this keeps things fresh and exciting.


Strategy #2 – Have An Interesting Biography!

Your biography is, by necessity, short and so you only get a few lines to make an impact. Therefore, you want to write something that inspires people to follow you. Whether by signalling the topics and themes your Tweets are generally going to be about or by engendering a little curiosity and mystique, this brief bio needs to be impactful, noteworthy and able to inspire people to follow you.


Strategy #3 – Tweet On A Regular Basis!

Unless you are already extremely famous, it is almost impossible to build a sizable following without Tweeting on a regular basis. You should ideally aim to send a Tweet out at least once a day, if not twice or even more. Being visible to your followers gives your Tweets more chance of being Re-Tweeted and shared which will further increase your number of followers.

You can also use BufferApp to pre-load tweets and schedule them in if you are going on a holiday or have a jam-packed week of exams ahead of you. This is a must if you strive to keep your tweets consistent.


Strategy #4 – Tweet Interesting, Newsworthy Information!

If you Tweet thought-provoking ideas and information then you exponentially increase your chance of being Re-Tweeted. Since Re-Tweeting is, undoubtedly, one of the easiest ways to gain more visibility among potential followers you need to make this a key part of your strategy.


Strategy #5 – Choose Your Hashtags Wisely!

If you want to get your Tweets in front of other people with related interests then putting a bit of thought into your Hashtags can pay off handsomely! Think of something relevant that is likely to be shared or might even trend and you can be onto a real winner.


Strategy #6 – Don’t Be Overly Promotional!

Perhaps the quickest way to lose a whole bunch of previously loyal followers is by promoting too heavily. Twitter is not designed to be overly commercial in terms of content and affiliate links so you should keep any form of advertising to an absolute minimum.


Strategy #7 – Request A Re-Tweet!

This tactic won’t always work but, when it does, it can be extremely effective. The key idea is to get either a celebrity or a key Tweeter in your niche to Re-Tweet your message. If you are successful with this then you can get your message seen by potentially hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. That sort of visibility can increase your total of followers incredibly quickly!

Also if you know that your tweet is quality content, it doesn’t hurt to ask your community once in a while if they can RT your link or tweet. This has actually proven to increase your chances of a Re-Tweet by 2X. Just don’t over do it on this request.


Strategy #8 – Follow Similar Tweeters!

Another effective strategy that always works is to follow people with similar interests. When you follow someone who is a good match in terms of hobbies, interests and opinions, there is a high likelihood they will follow you back. If you do this enough times you can build up a very large Twitter following using only this one strategy.

You could use TweetAdder which is great for finding people to follow who have followed your role models or competition.


Strategy #9 – Add Your Profile To Twitter Directories!

Strange as it may sound, but, some people literally trawl through the main Twitter Directories to find people to follow. It doesn’t take long to add your profile to the main Twitter Directories, such as and, and it can boost your following significantly over time.


Strategy #10 – Tweet Neat Pictures To Your Followers!

For some unknown reasons, Tweeting pictures works spectacularly well on Twitter. If your pictures are at all interesting or comment worthy then you will effortlessly generate a lot of Re-Tweets. This increases your visibility and inevitably means you will gain more followers. As such, you should make this a regular part of your Twitter strategy.


Strategy #11 – Stay Engaged

You have to stay engaged with your followers. If I go to your Twitter page and you are just writing about yourself and you are not “@replying” to your  followers then chances are I am not going to be interested in connecting with you. I would consider you as the type of guy who goes to a party and only talks about himself and is not willing to interact with anyone else or even ask how they are doing. People want to see that there is a real human being on the other side of the keyboard that they can get an honest answer or interaction out of.

You want proof on how the @reply works. check this link out and also follow @garyvee, Gary Vaynerchuk has millions of followers and interacts with nearly anyone who reaches out too him.


Summing Up

There are a number of ways to quickly and easily increase the number of your Twitter followers. To maximize your results you should use consider using these strategies in combination. Pick a few of the 10 strategies outlined above, start applying them today and you will soon see amazing results. Good luck with your Tweeting!


Article By: Kenneth Lindsay & Joel Brown |

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.



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