Success Advice
5 Mindset Hacks to Gaining More Opportunities and Increasing Your Income
Growing your business and slaying your sales isn’t an upward-only trajectory. The highs and lows can be exhausting, so it’s important to have a few mindset hacks in your back pocket to get yourself in the frame of mind that invites opportunities instead of polarizing momentum.
Here are five mindset hacks that you can use right away, either in a pinch or consistently in your routine to amp up your results:
1. Get Fired Up
Learning how to motivate yourself is a priceless skill, especially because you won’t be inspired to take action every day. There will be days that it’s hard to motivate yourself to wear pants, let alone conquer your day. That’s when you have to motivate yourself to move forward.
Simple ways to get fired up are to pick a weekly or monthly theme song that you can vibe with. Music is a great motivator because you can borrow the energy of the song to create your own momentum.
Similarly, having a role model or mentor that you can connect with and stay accountable to can be the difference between a long arduous road to getting what you want out of life and fast-tracking your way to success. Mentors can inspire you in special ways that other people just can’t. They’re invaluable.
Another way to get fired up is to call a super loyal or grateful client. Their excitement about working with you is contagious, which will get you in the right headspace to bring in more clients just like them. If you find yourself in a moment of doubt or where your confidence is shaken, borrow the confidence other people have in you to refill your cup and move forward.
“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” ― Steve Maraboli
2. Find Reprieve
Owning a business is freaking intense! It’s easy for your body and energy to get tightly wound in the day to day activities of it all. That’s why it’s important to find reprieves where you can calm down. That doesn’t always mean finding a getaway or going on a silent retreat for two weeks (although I’m not knocking it). Something as simple as calling someone special or spending time with someone you love can help you relax your mind and body.
Another way to find a reprieve is to find a time of day that you protect as your peace time. This may look like doing yoga, going rock climbing, journaling, reading a book, singing, or anything else that makes you focus on only that one thing while you’re doing it. Intentional attention to something that brings you joy or clears your head is a powerful way to keep your mindset strong.
3. Focus
What you put your focus on grows. That’s why you want to focus on what you’ve done right and the opportunities ahead of you, instead of beating yourself up over mistakes you’ve made. It’s great to see where you need to grow and make a plan to move forward, but getting stuck in “I should’ve known better” and similar perspectives will only hold you back. The faster you pivot a loss into a lesson, the faster you’ll create opportunities for success.
One way to keep your focus on what you’ve done right is to create a cave of wins. This could be a box that you keep all of your wins in, a journal you use to record your wins, or even a file on your home screen that you can open to see the wins you’ve created thus far. Every day, catalog all of the wins you’ve had for the day. These don’t have to be just business wins either.
If you’ve been working on your health and you stuck to the food plan your nutritionist gave you, that’s a win! If you’ve been trying to have more present conversations with your significant other and you went through dinner without picking up your phone, that’s a win! Review your cave of wins each week to see just how far you’ve come on your journey of success.
4. Burning Building
This mindset hack is the most important tool in this entire list. This is a technique that will help you take action when you’ve been paralyzed by fear. Are you ready?
There’s a burning building and someone you love is inside. The action that you’re afraid of taking is the only way you can run into the building to save them. In many cases, this is what’s happening metaphorically when you show up in your business.
As a business owner, you solve problems for your customers. If you don’t take action to get your solutions out there, you’re ignoring the people who are suffering and shouting for help. You wouldn’t leave your loved one in a burning building, so don’t abandon your customers either.
5. Decide
All powerful mindset shifts come down to one thing—making the decision to do something different. Once you’ve made a decision, you follow that up by taking the actions that support that decision. Practicing steadfast decision making is a great way to experience quantum leaps in your growth because it puts all of your focus, attention, and energy into creating what you want with certainty. This growth can turn you into a magnet for business and income growth opportunities.
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