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Success Advice

3 Ways It’s Easier to Succeed Today Than Ever Before



easy ways to succeed

Achieving success on a high level has been for many people for a long time, an unfulfilled dream. Many people just didn’t believe in the fact they could accomplish something similar like what Steve Jobs did with Apple or what Bill Gates did with Microsoft.

They believed that only the ‘special’ amongst us could achieve the extraordinary. However, in today’s world that’s no longer a justifiable excuse. People often say that the world we live in today has so much more opportunities to offer to people who want to succeed. I was always intrigued by this finding.

So I decided to mark down what the big differences were between the pre-digital age and today’s world. When I started to do this I became really motivated and more confident in the possibility to achieve massive success. I want the same thing to happen to you, because this awareness will eliminate all the doubt that you may still have left.

Here are 3 reasons that makes achieving success no longer a question of if but when:

1. Free exposure

Marketing is critical for your success. If you’ve got something really unique to offer to the world, but nobody knows about you and your service then you’re setting yourself up for failure. A couple years ago you needed television, the radio or the newspapers to get your ideas in front of an audience. This was really an obstacle to most people, because many people couldn’t afford to advertise on these expensive platforms.

So only the big companies or the individuals who already accumulated a lot of wealth could afford a good marketing campaign. However, nowadays things have become much easier with regards to marketing. Social media has revolutionized everything, especially YouTube and Facebook. If it weren’t for YouTube & Facebook many brands and individuals wouldn’t be as successful as they are right now.

These brands and individuals used YouTube & Facebook to get their name ‘out there’ and to let everybody know what they had to offer to the world. Through this way, many brands became 7 figure businesses and many individuals also became high-earners.

Now we have more social media platforms than only Facebook and YouTube. A few other big platforms are Instagram, Linkedin and Pinterest. The best part of it all is that these platforms allow you to market your services/product for free to a targeted audience, since people only follow you if they’re interested in what you have to offer.

So it’s no longer required to pay for presenting your services or products to an audience. All these platforms have something unique to offer, so find the one that suits you or your company the best and start showing the world what you have to offer.

“It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone.” – Hans Hansen

2. Access to knowledge of the whole world

A big complaint in the pre-digital period was the difficult access to the right information. Sure there were seminars and books. And yes there were also mentors available during the pre-digital period. However, not everybody could afford it to go to seminars and not everybody could connect that easily with mentors.

These obstacles to access critical knowledge for their ideas discouraged many entrepreneurs which ultimately made them quit on their goals, because they didn’t believe that they would ever get access to the right resources.

Fortunately, in today’s world that’s no longer the case. All thanks to the World Wide Web. There are so many ways to learn from the internet and this all happens just by sitting behind your ‘screen’. You can watch video clips, webinars, interviews, listen to seminar recordings or just read books. You can find almost anything that you want on the internet if you know what you’re looking for.

The internet can help you so much with your business, because you can use it as a frame of reference. For example, if you aren’t sure about something, you can just look it up. Or when you want to know what your competitors are doing then you can also just look it up. The access to all these types of knowledge increases the chance that you’re staying on track on the road to success and that you aren’t making mistakes that could have been easily avoided.


3. Make use of today’s technology

Gone are the days when you could only send an email from your personal computer or that it only was possible to make a Skype call through your 2.0 megapixel webcam. Or that you forgot your agenda, so you didn’t know what appointments you had that day. All these inconveniences have been solved and replaced with something better through today’s technology.

You can do all these things now through your smartphone and tablet: sending emails, connecting and networking through different apps, managing your finances, schedule appointments etc. Today’s technology allows many processes to run smoother than ever.

The efficiency and simplicity that today’s technology offers us helps to save time and to do more things within a shorter period of time which ultimately leads to achieving your goals faster. It’s all about how you make use of today’s technology in your journey to success to achieve your goals.

“Technology should be an important ingredient. It may be and should be a tool for social devlopment.” – Aleksander Kwasniewski

Nowadays more and more people are achieving the success they want on a financial, spiritual and a personal level. There are so many opportunities out there for every one of us. So for the people who know what they want in their life and are fully dedicated to achieve their goals; there hasn’t been a better time to achieve massive success than right now!

What is your reason that you have to succeed right now? Let me know in the comment section below!

Krishan Kalpoe is the founder of Shrinksdom & an aspiring psychologist who has a passion for personal development and wants to share his knowledge with the world for the purpose of making people's lives better. His website consists of personal development advice about the three fundamentals in life that we all need to live a happy life: love, success and wisdom. Take a look at his website or his Instagram.



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