You’ve lovingly created your online courses, even built some services around your topic of expertise; but at the back of your mind you always have this...
Your purpose. It’s time to detach from the idea that it’s too much of a floaty concept and that it will magically show up, because, every...
Perhaps, like me, you’re a very creative person. A dreamer. An idealist. And you have big goals and dreams you’d like to achieve. If that’s the...
Elon Musk has a great saying: “Stop being patient and start asking yourself, ‘how do I accomplish my 10 year plan in 6 months?’ You will...
People love success stories, especially when the road to success was not smooth and assured. It’s those businesses that rise through rejections and adversity that make...
Many people seem to think that optimists are people who just ignore bad things in life and avoid problems altogether. That’s not the case at all....
Do you think the perception of leadership is merely limited to a title or designation in an organization? Well, there is a lot more to leadership...