Why A Pandemic May Be the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You

If you’d like to learn how to spend your time productively during the coronavirus pandemic so you can improve your life, sign up for the free 90-Day Master Class hosted by the founder of, Joel Brown.
How many times in a generation does the entire world stop? This is a time where things we thought would never happen have been happening almost on a weekly basis. It may seem like chaos but from this chaos, we have an incredible opportunity. We’re wanting things to go back to normal, but we need to really ask ourselves “what things in our life are worth going back to”?
This can be a breaking point – is it going to be a breakdown or a breakthrough? Are you still going to work or are you stuck at home? Either way, there are fewer distractions than you would have under normal circumstances. This is the time to decide what we really want in life.
With the whole world up in the air, if we’re not choosing our path, we could easily be swept up in the chaos. In a blink, 20 years can pass you by and you’re no closer to where you want to be in your life.
“If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” – Jim Rohn
It may be easy to let the fear or panic dampen your resolve, and sometimes you do need to take a break for your own mental and emotional health. (And I actually do recommend a lot of breaks!) But this time is best spent deciding your path that you want to take in your life. It’s a wake-up call that we all just get one shot like this. Use this to get out of your comfort zone and move toward where you want to be.
Guess what came after the Black Plague – the Renaissance! Turmoil gives birth to Booms! Right now is a time of great expansion. This chaos is going to give birth to new prosperity as it changes our world and you can be ahead of the curve. How do you know you’ve arrived at a destination when you haven’t defined where that destination is?
Most people don’t have their hands on the steering wheel of life, then find themselves shocked when they land in a ditch. This doesn’t have to be the case for your life but you need to make a decision. Where do you want to go? What you decide today can change the whole direction of your life.
We’re going to have a simple exercise you can do right here where you can decide clearly where you want to go. Don’t make the list based on practicality. Your subconscious mind will come up with ideas on how to get you there. The “how-to’s” on moving toward your goal will be inspired and come naturally. You can reevaluate and choose what to bring with you moving forward as things open back up.
What qualities do you want in your job/career, relationship, quality of life? Are you craving a deeper connection in your life? Do you see yourself headed toward happiness in your current trajectory? What direction would bring you the most happiness possible?
Ask yourself those questions and write down your answers. Write down your ideal circumstance for the following:
- Job/Career:
- Relationships/Love Life:
- Body/Physical Health:
- Social Life:
- Quality of Life:
“In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact.” – Les Brown
This exercise may be basic and possibly seem like it’s not going to have any effect at all, but when you all of a sudden know where you want to go and you don’t move in that direction, it stings more. It prods you subconsciously and over the years can have a dramatic effect on where you end up in life. To fully utilize this list, reading this daily will keep you on track. The better you feel while you read it, the more energy you’ll have moving toward your dream.
The intention of this article is to truly design where you want to go in life and to make continuous daily strides in that direction. You deserve the life you really want. Now is the time to decide what that is and lay claim to it. Do it now!
What’s a new skill or hobby that you’ve picked up over the past few months? Share it with us below!
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