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The 6 Step Process To Create Epic Results In Your Life



The 6 Step Process To Create Epic Results In Your Life

Stories of entrepreneurs breaking free from the mold of societal norms, risking it all, and making an impact strike you at your core. You’re addicted to success, because for whatever reason, you’re not the same as everyone else. Deep down inside, you know you have the same potential.The new year is upon us, and that means new goals, dreams, and motivation. This is your year to build your legacy, move mountains, and impact thousands, even millions of people with your vision.

There are far too many people out there making new years plans that are exactly the same as last year’s… because they haven’t followed through and achieved results.

Here’s the six step process to ensure you create epic results from new years motivation:

1. Craft your vision

Every success story started with a vision. What exactly is it that you want? This is the first step in harnessing motivation and turning it into results.

Write it all down, every single little detail. What kind of life are you going to live? What do you do? What’s a typical day like for you? How do you feel?

But here’s a trick: write it all out as if you’ve already accomplished it. By doing this, whenever you review your vision, you’re telling your subconscious it’s something that already happened. You aren’t wishing for a different future, you’re remembering your future reality.

Each time you wonder why you’re working, why you aren’t doing a normal 9-5 job, why you’re doing this crazy entrepreneurship thing – you’ll have a vision so crystal clear and grand that just your vision will make others jealous.

We’re trained to take the easiest option, the road more travelled… but if the only option is your vision, that’s the path you’re going to take.

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” – Jonathan Swift 

2. Write out your why

After writing out your vision in meticulous detail, the next step is to write out the reasons why you want to accomplish the vision.

“My message is too powerful to be kept quiet. I’m going to live my dreams and passion. I want to make an impact on the world. I know I have the potential in me to change my current reality. I know too many people that are trapped in a life that makes them completely miserable and I’m not going to be one of them”.

If you don’t have a powerful enough why, then you’re not going to follow through. Simple as that. There will be long hours, there will be challenges, and there will be failure. Your why will push you forward.


3. Write your success timeline 

Now that you’ve written out exactly where you want to be in a year, work backwards and figure out exactly what you need to get done in six months, three months, and one month, then all the way down to the first four weeks.

What are the minimum things you must absolutely get done within those time periods to guarantee that you’re getting closer to your vision and your success? If your vision is great enough, it will be almost unbelievable to attain within a year.

Yet by writing down your success timeline, you not only define exactly what needs to happen to make you successful, you also come up with the roadmap to your vision. Every step becomes clear and laid out for you; there isn’t any confusion on what to do.


4. Renew your motivation

Eventually, whatever motivation you have will be drained. You’ll lose sight of your vision and won’t be in the frame of mind that produces action. This is why it is crucial to continually renew your motivation.

Review your vision, your why’s, and your success timeline daily. In fact, do it once right in the morning, and then again at least once more later in the day.

On top of that, read blogs like Addicted2success and remind yourself that there are many amazing people that had the same if not a rougher start than you did, and succeeded in spite of it all. The journey to success can be demotivating if you feel like you’re alone, so it’s important to prove to yourself continually that it can be done.

If you don’t remind yourself of your vision and the path that you’ve written out for yourself, you’ll fall off track, lose momentum, and be right back where you started.

“You are either moving towards or away from success at any given time. What direction are you headed in?” – Joel Brown

5. Build your habits

Here’s another secret – habits trump motivation. For those times when you are challenged and are forced to work hard and fail, what truly matters are the actions you take.

Unsuccessful people let their emotions dictate their thoughts, which determine their actions. Successful people decide on their actions, which dictate their thoughts, which determine their feelings.

Get up early in the morning, even if you don’t feel like it. Exercise and fuel your body right, even if you don’t feel like it. Put in extra work, even if you don’t feel like it. Taking the right actions, whether or not you feel like it, will become a habit. And success will come.


6. Review your progress

Everyone knows that things don’t always go according to plan. So readjust as necessary. Continually review yourself and your goals so that even if you aren’t on the original path you planned, you’ll still be headed in the direction that you want to go.

See how your plans are going every week and every month. Ask yourself, what went well and what didn’t? When were you at your best? Is what I’m doing truly getting me closer to my monthly goal, and ultimately my vision?

When you analyze what didn’t go well, you prevent it from happening again. When you analyze what did go well, celebrate it. If something went well, that means you created success! Review constantly as you go along, and you’ll minimize losses and maximize wins.

Live your dreams

Imagine this, 2016 is about to end, Christmas just finished, and everyone’s getting ready for new year’s celebrations.

You open your computer, and happen to see the vision you wrote at the start of 2016. You consume every single word you wrote down…then shed a tear.

You’re living the incredible vision you wrote down twelve months ago, and are living the life of your dreams! Despite the hard work, challenges, and failure you came across, you persevered and achieved victory most people wish they had the courage to try for.

Are you going to start the 6 step process to create epic results in your life? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

Darryl Elvina is a freelance writer and author that discovered his passion for writing on his personal growth journey. He now writes to inspire, engage, and convert audiences for business owners that need content. Inquire about working with him at



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