6 Life Changing Health Tips To Transform Your Energy – Tyler Tolman

To be able to do all the things that allow someone to be successful you must have high energy levels. With this thought in mind, I interviewed Tyler Tolman to find out his top tips. He is an expert in the field and has more than 80k of Facebook followers and sells out events all over the world!
Everything Tyler teaches is logical and anyone can pick it up pretty quickly. I get entrepreneurs that contact me all the time and say, “Tim how do I have more energy so I can take my business to the next level.” After interviewing Tyler, I can now safely answer that question with confidence.
Tyler has taught me two key concepts:
“ If you want to have more money then you need to have more energy – simple”
“ You first need to heal yourself before you can serve other people”
These two quotes have now changed the way I look at entrepreneurship and since interviewing Tyler, I have taken up the challenge to do a thirty-eight day fast! Why would I continue to not feel the best and not perform at my highest level doing what I love? Have you asked yourself the same question?
The fast Tyler has recommended to me after my recent health issues is a four-day colon cleanse, followed by a salt flush, then a three-day veggie juice fast, then a thirty-day fruit fast and then finishing with a one-day liver cleanse. Drop me a message if you want to know how it’s going.
Below are Tyler’s six tips to change your life and transform your energy.
1. Hydrate yourself with these steps
The first thing you need to do to transform your health is starting to hydrate yourself. We have been told this for ages but Tyler suggests you take it up a notch. So many people think they are hydrated but they are not.
They’re usually chronically dehydrated which leads to chronic fatigue symptoms and pain in the body. Have you had back pain, knee pain or any other type of pain in your body? Well, this pain is your body telling you that you’re dehydrated and need to drink more water.
If you properly hydrate yourself, you will get less pain, more mental clarity and an increase in energy – not bad.
The number one sign that you are thirsty is actually hunger. When you wake up and you’re hungry, it’s just your body wanting water. If this happens to you, then try drinking some water and the hunger pains should go away. If they don’t, then you really are hungry and you should eat.
2. Do a colon cleanse
One of the most suggested health tips that Tyler gives wherever he goes is to do a colon cleanse. The reasons he suggests this is that the colon is at the centre of your health. If you look back to the ancient Egyptians, on the new moon of every month, they do three days of digestive cleaning. They would consume very specific seeds, fibres and clays that would help extract different toxins and poisons.
Tyler has a colon cleanse that is available on his website that takes four days to do. It involves eating nothing but the colon cleanse mix and drinking lots of water. The first time you do a colon cleanse you are going to feel backed up and you may not have a bowel movement for 3-4 days because of all the plaque that is trying to exit your body.
For those that are really backed up, Tyler suggests doing your first colon cleanse, and then another one a month later, and then one more a month after that. If you do this, you will be shocked what comes out of your body and after three months you will know what it’s like to have normal bowel movements.
Every time you eat a meal, within 30-45 minutes you will have a good bowel movement – that’s the way it should be. Some men are only having one bowel movement a day and some women only have one or two a week – if that’s you, it’s time to get healthy.
3. Try one of the four types of fasting
Tyler spoke to me in depth in our interview about fasting and how it can transform your energy levels. There are a few different types of fasts and it depends on your goals as to which one you do. The water fast is the most extreme and the fruit or juice fast is easier to manage. Below is an explanation of each and some common questions that Tyler get’s asked about fasting.
Juice Fast
So option one is a juice fast and it’s a good way to reset your entire immune system as well as get rid of a lot of old cells in your body. Scientific studies have shown that if you do high-intensity training after a juice fast the level of human growth hormone in your body increases by 2000%.
The best way Tyler told me to do a juice fast is by doing a 4-day colon cleanse first and then try drinking nothing but freshly made juices for seven days (not supermarket juice).
Water Fast
Doing a water fast is the most intense type of fasting and is better to be done with supervision. The idea here is simple; drink nothing but water for 30 days. The first week will be difficult but then after that you should be fine. Water fasting is common with more severe health problems like cancer but can go a long way to healing lots of different illnesses.
Fruit Fast
A fruit fast is also pretty simple and it involves eating nothing but fruit for every meal combined with drinking plenty of water. The best fruits to eat are the ones that are in season and that you are craving.
In the first 3-4 days, you can expect to have a bit of diarrhoea and other things occur but then at the end of this period you probably won’t have any of that and will feel good. The key with the fruit fast is to eat the right amount of calories for your body weight.
Some of you may think that eating nothing but fruit for all meals for a specific period of time is a bit crazy, but Tyler told me that he has taken plenty of people on a forty day water fast. During these water fasts, the attendees felt even stronger than before so Tyler can’t see why someone would be deficient only eating fruit for a few weeks.
The reality is that one in two people will get cancer in their lifetime, diabetes is the fastest growing chronic disease and heart disease is the leading cause of death. If you go to the American Cancer society’s website, their recommendation is to eat fruit with every meal and for snacks throughout the day.
Organisations like this don’t make this stuff up and it’s based on sixty years of research and hundreds of millions of dollars of research every year. It’s no secret Tyler says, that fruit is one of the main factors in preventing cancer and even reversing it.
One of the challenges of eating fruit is that a lot of us will feel full from even a small amount. The reason for this is that fruit has fewer calories, most of us are dehydrated, and because fruit is 70% water, it instantly hydrates us and takes away our hunger pains.
Then, ten minutes later, we feel full again (the key is to train ourselves to overeat fruit ). It’s for this reason that society doesn’t think they can live on fruit, but if we are properly hydrated, then the fruit will keep us full for longer.
Intermittent fasting
The other method that Tyler spoke about was intermittent fasting that according to the ancient people suggests that from 4 am until noon our body is in the process of wanting to detoxify itself. When you wake up and have bacon and eggs in the morning, all the energy that is supposed to be used for detoxification, is being used for digestion, so people are never letting their body detox.
To implement this type of fasting it involves going until noon with no food and just water. Then from noon onwards you could start eating with some fresh fruit. After lunch at noon you can then have another meal later in the day of something healthy like steamed vegetables.
The first week 3-5 days of this routine will be uncomfortable so you should have some time to yourself and go to the gym, have a massage, get out into the sun, go for walks, etc. These activities will take your mind off the fact your detoxing and make sure you get plenty of rest at the same time.
By week two you will feel like a champion and want to do a marathon. This is because your body is no longer deficient in healthy food and hydration, so you will no longer require adrenaline and stimulants like coffee to function properly.
What are the benefits of fasting?
People have an accumulation of plaque in their digestive systems from eating processed foods, excess foreign proteins that have accumulated in different parts of the body, and excess fat that prevents the circuitry system from doing its job.
By doing a fast, your body starts to get rid of the excess protein and this can be seen by people having moles and skin tags that disappear while doing a fast. Fasting gives the body time to emulsify the excess fat and clear it from the body so things can become a lot cleaner and leaner.
Am I going to get too skinny by doing this?
A lot of the weight people lose when fasting is actually just waste from the colon, which you want to get rid of. You may also lose a kilo or two of fat on your first fast. Tyler has had people come to his programmes who are underweight and after doing a 21 day fast, they return to normal life and begin putting on weight and doing physique competitions.
While doing a fast, if you just lie around and do nothing then you will lose weight, but if you exercise while fasting, you won’t lose as much weight. If this is the first time you are fasting you will experience more weight loss and you will probably lose a couple of kilo’s of actual fat.
Once you complete a fast your human growth hormones will be reset and so your body is then ready to build. If you start to eat higher nutritional foods and do some exercise, you will find that you put on weight much quicker than before.
How often should I fast?
Ideally, it’s good to do a fast at the change of every season for 3-7 days. When attempting your very first fast, it’s good to aim for 7-10 days. If all of this seems too much, then just one ten day fast per year will help you to achieve a whole new level of health.
4. Eat more fruit (there are lots of myths around this one)
The number one source of nutrition for our muscles, our organs and brain is carbohydrates. When babies are born into the world, the major component of breast milk is carbohydrates. Without a doubt, fruit is the most detoxifying food on the planet and you should consume lots of it.
If you need to pre-prepare your fruit so you can increase your intake, then make sure you don’t cut it up more than 24 hours in advance and try to eat it as soon as possible. When transporting your fruit always use BPA free Tupperware.
5. Remove the bags under your eyes by cleaning your kidneys
If you have darkness, or bags, or deep cut lines in the skin around the eyes, it’s directly related to the kidneys. Tyler believes the main thing causing kidney problems is excess protein that causes an acidic reaction within the body. The other causes are things like hydration issues, too much stress, a bad diet, or the body constantly running on adrenaline – but it’s usually excess protein.
So if you have dark bags under your eyes, then Tyler recommends you do a colon cleanse and then some type of fast to give the kidneys time to regenerate themselves. Anywhere from 5-10 days on a water fast, done about every 3-4 months would be optimal to fix the kidneys as well as reducing the amount of protein in the diet from animal based foods.
It’s also advised to eliminate processed drinks and replace them with water and teas. Doing a water fast when you have deep bags under your eyes will cause your kidneys to hurt within three days and they will be in pain. This pain will be perceived as lower back pain and that’s your kidneys softening up and starting to detox and heal themselves.
Some foods that you can consume to help rebuild the kidneys include dandelion roots, uva ursi, cranberries and kidney beans.
6. Clean the liver out
Many of us develop stones in our liver and are not breaking down fats that we are consuming or are eating too much fat. The direct effect of this can be seen when you look into the whites of your eyes and see yellow or globular types of growths – if you have none, then your liver is probably healthy.
The easiest way Tyler says to fix liver issues is to do a seven-day juice fast and then on the day after, do a liver cleanse. Doing a liver cleanse involves fasting from the morning until the afternoon, doing a salt flush (1 tablespoon of Himalayan salt in 1 litre of water) and then following these three steps:
– Makeup 500ml–1 litre of freshly juiced grapefruit
– Then add ½ a cup to a full cup of extra virgin olive oil to the juice
– Finally, put all of this into a blender to emulsify the liquid and then drink it
The next morning when you have a bowel movement you will see anywhere from 50-100 of these green looking peas. If you find there are lots of stones coming out then, you should repeat the liver cleanse process every weekend for 2-3 weeks. At the end of this you will feel amazing and have a clean liver.
***Bonus Advice From Tyler***
Tea is fantastic as long as you don’t just drink it without any water. The reason for this is that tea can have a laxative effect causing it to be more dehydrating if you’re just drinking tea and not water. You should drink 1 litre of water per 22kg of body weight.
Routine and Travelling
Each day Tyler gets up between 5:30am-6am and drinks one litre of water with half a teaspoon of Himalayan salt which helps his body hydrate, adds electrolytes, and stimulates the digestive system to move a bit.
Then, Tyler goes for a long walk or a gym training session for 1-2 hours. He then comes home and does a skin cleaning process called Guasha and continues to drink water until noon when he has his first meal for the day.
When flying, Tyler likes to use essential oils on the plane until he lands where he will rehydrate himself by buying a fresh juice at the airport. He then goes straight from the airport to a local market or grocery store and buys fresh food like avocado, fresh fruit, tomatoes and lettuce. These ingredients are often used to make wraps with a bread called “essene”.
He will often add other ingredients to the wraps like peanut butter, honey, banana, salt and sprouts. Any leftover food is then put in his suitcase and he travels around with it until he needs to buy more. Which means he doesn’t need to buy food at every place he visits.
Organic juices
Do your best to make your home a safe haven and make things organic but when you travel loosen up a little bit. Don’t be too strict and religious about everything and be happy. When you go to places like Boost Juice they do wash the produce, and just in this process alone, you eliminate a lot of the nasties.
Even if you get a few nasties in the non-organic produce here and there, by the fact that you are getting so much fibre and so many nutrients, your body is going to deal with it so much quicker anyway.
Tyler says most people should have 6-8 hours sleep every night unless you are living a peak lifestyle of health and then you may only need a minimum of four hours sleep. On weekends, it’s actually good to sleep for longer periods up to twelve hours.
Tyler’s Favourite Quote – “Be the change that you want to see in the world” – Gandhi
So if Tyler has inspired you to change your eating habits and transform your energy, then start today by doing Tyler’s Free 7 Day Juice Fast.
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