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The 5 Best Business Audiobooks Every Entrepreneur Should Listen to



Image Credit: Unsplash

As an entrepreneur, you might not be able to find time to read books with your busy lifestyle. In such cases, audiobooks can be a wonderful replacement. You can get the knowledge from a book without spending as much time reading it. 

All you need to do to listen to an audiobook is just find a peaceful place, plug in your earphones, and get ready for eternal knowledge. In this busy lifestyle, you might not be able to carry a book everywhere you go but when you listen to audiobooks, there are a lot more books in your reach.

If you are an entrepreneur or an aspiring entrepreneur, reading books can give you a lot of knowledge about entrepreneurship. If you want to design a life you imagine to live, the below mentioned books will lead you there. In case you are already an entrepreneur, these books will allow you to know the thoughts and ideas of some of the best entrepreneurs of all time. You can learn a lot more from their experience than you can ever learn by any other source. 

1. The $100 startup: Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love, and Create a New Future By Chris Guillebeau

The $100 startup can be a very useful book if you are just starting a new business or website. This book focuses on starting a side hustle or either a full-time job or business on the basis of your skill.

It has many inspiring examples of people that made brilliant companies out of their passion. In case you know all the information about how much money a side hustle can make, but don’t have a thought on which way to go to make your dreams come to life, then this book will be the best for you.

2. The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon By Brad Stone

Amazon is one beast of a company. It is reshaping ecommerce around the globe. The other big companies are outshining amazon when it comes to press and attention, but amazon is just going through the crowd like a silent killer. 

This book will make you understand how much hard work and determination goes into experiencing such immense wealth in the end. Listening to this will get you familiar with the inner work as well as founding stories and the problems the company and its founder faced.

Listening to this book will definitely motivate you to keep going especially if you are going through a tough time in your business. The struggles that amazon went through to reach this point will definitely spark hope in you as well to keep going. 

“We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.” – Jeff Bezos

3. The Lean Startup: How Today’s Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses By Eric Ries

You can just take this book to be your startup bible. It provides all sorts of information about the intelligent and amazing processes of operating your side hustle or business. It takes you through how to find product-market fit fast and also gives you the key tips to be successful in your business or company. 

Spoiler alert: one of the first things the book focuses on is the user and how to make a product that meets the customers’ requirements and expectations.  

4. Business Adventures: Twelve Classic Tales from the World of Wall Street By John Brooks

If a book is Bill Gates favourite business book, there is nothing wrong in trying it out and learning as much as possible from it. 

This book is a work of magic that has 12 amazing stories of entrepreneurs which will give you countless lessons to learn in each and every aspect of business. The stories discussed in the book will teach you about problems you’ll likely face in a business, such as product inceptions, tax loopholes and a ton of different things you can get into, when you set up a business.

5. How to Win friends and Influence People By Dale Carnegie

This is one legend of a book if you ask me. The release of this masterpiece dates back to 1937. The situations faced in business have changed but we humans haven’t. A single person cannot do everything, and having a good team will make a huge difference. This book will teach you how to influence people and expand your team. 

“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” – Dale Carnegie


If you are an entrepreneur or an aspiring entrepreneur, listening to these books can drastically change the way you think about everything. Just keep working hard and you will get there one day, but remember to never ever give up

What’s the best book you’ve read this year and why? Share the book in the comments!

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