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3 Mind Hiccups Every Entrepreneur Should Avoid




You are an entrepreneur, and possibly a good one. However, there have been some roadblocks standing in your way the past couple of months and perhaps you don’t understand why. It’s okay. Many entrepreneurs go through rough patches and slow months, but the one’s who end up getting out of the slough are the entrepreneurs who understand these three things.

You’ve had the power all along. Now you can understand how you to overcome your marketing misfortunes by avoiding these three things:

1. The “I will never fail” mentality

You already understand marketing your business is difficult sometimes and, whether you’re going it alone or you have a small team in place, there will be days when you get tired of always failing. Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to have this mindset, however, it’s even more crucial to understand you will eventually fail at some point.

Most entrepreneurs can’t wrap their brain around this idea because they believe everything they test or try should work. This mindset eventually leads to total annihilation of their business which is why most marketers usually quit after the first couple of months. When you avoid this pitfall and begin to understand that failing isn’t bad for your business, it simply teaches you another way you shouldn’t be doing something.

Failure is a great way to build a great business. You will learn from your mistakes and adapt accordingly. There has never been a great business person who didn’t fail a lot while they built their business.  The entrepreneur who uses failure as a teaching moment, or as an opportunity to rethink the avenue they are taking, is going to be the one who will succeed in their business.

“Failure is an event, not a person. Yesterday ended last night.” – Zig Ziglar

2. Falling into the negativity trap

Have you ever read the book The Secret? This book shows how negativity can breed a negative life. Whereas events you respond to negatively will come back to you in a negative manner. Essentially, once you fall into the negative world, it’s hard to climb back out of because thinking positive while the whole world is crashing down around you is hard to do.

But you’re already doomed for failure. Do you know why? It’s because humans are wired to be negative. So, in a sense, you’re fighting your very nature to train your mind to become positive. This study shows how we process negative data faster than positive data into our brain. In order for the good to get in it takes an extra 12 seconds to travel from temporary into long-term memory.

That’s a long time. In that amount of time, your brain has already processed and recovered the negative data and is already reacting to it. In order to keep from ripping your hair out by the roots, you need to follow these little steps.

3. Becoming angry or fearful

While anger is one emotion you can use to attract action to your business, it’s not recommended for you personally. You remember the famous line Yoda said to Luke? “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

There is truth to this statement. As an entrepreneur, you are constantly fighting an uphill battle. You may feel like you’re up for the challenge when you start, but even the most resilient entrepreneurs feel the emotional burn after a while.

It begins with fear. The fear of failure, as I discussed above, can start this whole process. Why isn’t my business picking up like I think it should? How am I going to meet the standards of my target audience by myself? Why isn’t my business being noticed?

All of these questions are fearful thoughts which run through your mind. There is one tip you should remember to ensure your mind controls the fear, not succumb to it. Accept the consequences.

I was at the grocery store last week and noticed a little boy screaming for a certain type of candy he wanted. His mother denied the request and kept walking. The child began to cry even louder because he wasn’t able to get what he wanted. Acceptance is a large factor when fear is concerned. Trying to resist your emotions is like a baby trying to tackle a running back. It’s just not happening.

You will feel fear. However, when you accept it, it means you are in control. Fear doesn’t have to mean you need to run away. In fact, the fight or flight syndrome is something we are all ingrained with. When the brain processes fear, it processes it the same way as if someone had a gun to your head.

Acceptance will grant you the sanity you need to push forward and allow yourself to adapt to the ever changing model of entrepreneurship.

“I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” – Michael Jordan

You will make mistakes and you will fail tremendously. As an entrepreneur you should always be aware of the state of mind you allow yourself to dwell in every day. Each one of the mind hiccups have blasted many hopeful entrepreneurs out of the water. Take note of where you’re at mentally every time you begin work for the day and you can avoid these traps.

Do you have a helpful tip in which you use to stay positive about your business? Leave your thoughts below!

Jennifer Spencer is a serial entrepreneur who currently serves as Head of Marketing of, an app marketing agency. She is also the founder of Accelerant PR, a digital branding agency focused on helping startups write and share their stories. She is a passionate storyteller, online marketer and social media specialist.



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