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Success Advice

“Influencers” Are Not Smarter Than You And I.



Standing at the top of the mountain and looking down at everyone like they’re stupid isn’t cool. That’s what this influencer nonsense has become.

Influencer meaning:

Someone who thinks they’re better than everyone else because of the number of social media followers they have. Someone who put’s their own selfish desires ahead of helping others. Someone who values numbers over real human relationships

Influencers have the same opportunity as you and I.

Don’t be fooled into thinking these so-called influencers are superhuman. They’re just normal people with a fancy job title. They weren’t born with a special Pokemon attack and they’re capable of the same great things you and I can also achieve.

We all can influence people for better or worse.
We all can focus our time on one specific goal and achieve it.
We can all sit in front of a computer all day and try desperately to get people to “like” what we say.

Influencers have the same big fear as you and me.

“Am I enough?”

That’s what every so-called influencer is thinking and that’s what you and I are thinking too. That makes both us, and them, human. We all have fears whether we show them to the world or not. None of us are truly fearless and we all want to become somebody.

Influencers at least believe they are somebody.

The one positive thing I can say about an influencer is they believe they are somebody whether they are or not. Believing you are something and can be great, is the first step towards success. At least these influencers have that part right. Believe in yourself no matter what. Put out positivity.

“Influencer” is a silly word that lacks meaning.

We all can be persons of influence. What makes somebody an influencer anyway? Is there some magic measurement of attention that makes you go from being a nobody to an influencer?Social media would have you think so. The answer is obviously no.

“Labels separate us. Labels try and force square pegs into round holes”

Meaning doesn’t come from how much influence you have; meaning comes from who you’ve become as a person.

Meaning comes from achieving your goals.
Meaning comes from adding value to the lives of others.
Meaning will never come from an online vanity metric.

Influencers who think they’re smarter than us are the problem.

The moment you become an influencer and think you’re smarter than everybody else is the moment your ego goes out of control. Intelligence is not measured by influence and it never will be. Creating a divide between people is what fuels wars and creates conflict.

Aim to bring people together. Focus on doing what you love rather than trying to force people to be “influenced.” Drop the attitude that leads you to think you’re smarter because all of us can be an influencer if we want to.

We can all game the social media newsfeed algorithms.
We can all sit on a phone all day and create click-bait content.
We can all pay people in third world countries to send fake followers to our fan page.

“Building followers online is easy for anybody who wants to invest the time. The building influence game has in many ways replaced the computer games we played in our youth, on consoles plugged into our TV, or on ancient desktops that no longer see the light of day with their ugly grey color.”

Influencer vanity metrics mean nothing.

“I got 1 million followers.”
And frankly, no one cares. What matters is the following:

The depth that people support you because you support them.
The opportunity to become a leader of people and create more leaders.

No one’s falling for this selfish prison that is being an influencer and having millions of followers. Give me ten deep human relationships over 10 million one second relationships any day of the week.

Lesson: Instead of wanting to be better than everyone else, start with helping people.

The vanity game that is trying to be better than everyone else is ridiculous.

“The true icons of our time try and find ways to help people. Helping people is their focus, not building up fake fans, to put out fake content, so you can put on a fake smile and walk to the bank skipping”

What you can do for others is how you build influence and that influence compounds when you help more people. Influencing people sounds a lot like trying to control people’s mind. Influencing makes humans sound like robots that follow set programs produced by social media algorithms.

Let’s become human again.
Let’s drop the status symbol that is influencer.
Let’s all become an influence on each other to do more good.
Let’s influence each other to be just a tiny bit better than yesterday.

It’s time to stop being a perfect little cookie cutter influencer and embrace our true identity: being human and living with passion.

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Aussie Blogger with 500M+ views — Writer for CNBC & Business Insider. Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Entrepreneurship You can connect with Tim through his website

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