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Success Advice

(Video) The Worlds Best Online Marketing Guru Frank Kern Shows You How To Sell Anything Online & Make Money From It



Image Credit: Unsplash

In the land of Entrepreneurs, Internet Businessmen, Online Buffs & Marketers a name rises above the rest, this name is “Frank Kern”. With A Surfie look and a cool calm composure Frank Kern will surprise you with his story and what he is actually capable of.

Frank Kern is the most sought after Online Marketer in the world and handles advertising campaigns and marketing stunts for some of the biggest companies on the planet.


Frank Kern – Making Money Online


Frank Kern – Make Money Online Like The Pros


Frank Kerns Top 10 Tips for you to take home:

    1. Iʼm so damn tired of these dip-shits on the news talking about how thereʼs “no money” that Iʼm ready so shoot the T.V. 90% of journalists and news anchors donʼt make shit for money.  They are broke. And a sure fire way to go broke is to take financial advice from broke people.I, however, am not broke. Not even close.


    1. Getting more customers is only the tip of the iceberg to making more money. Sell more stuff to existing customers is easier. And easier still – increase frequency of purchase to existing customers.


    1. 90 percent of us focus 90 percent of our efforts doing the hardest stuff possible. For example, to create more (targeted) traffic, look to “new” channels like Bing, Google image ads, newsletter ads (solo-ads), co-op on “thank you pages”. Have you heard of the Bing Slap? No, didn’t think so.


    1. It’s the offer stupid (a Dan Kennedy original). Instead of selling an eBook for $47 dollars – you might want to offer a physical version of your package for $9 dollars shipping and handling plus three easy payments of $30 dollars.


    1. Most order forms absolutely suck. They don’t restate your guarantee. They don’t restate your bonuses. And they donʼt SELL.


    1. Your bonus. Increase conversion easily by simply offering more bonuses. I call this ”bonus stacking”, or “stacking” the cool. Don’t offer worthless bonuses that suck, however.


    1. Increase conversions (ie. make more money) by having down-sells available when people exit the page. There are plenty of exit popup scripts you can offer that say, “Hey wait, would you like to try the cheaper version?”


    1. Increase the frequency of your offers.


    1. Increase the size of the transaction. Get more money from that first batch of sales by simply charging more.
    1. Create a back-end product that compliments your front end product.

I am the the Founder of and I am so grateful you're here to be part of this awesome community. I love connecting with people who have a passion for Entrepreneurship, Self Development & Achieving Success. I started this website with the intention of educating and inspiring likeminded people to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. I'm proud to say through my podcast and through this website we have impacted over 200 million lives in the last 10 years.

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