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Success Advice

There’s No Excuse For Not Living Your Passion: End Of Story.



There’s a hell of a lot of complaining going on. All of you want to live your passion or say that’s what you want.

Then you come home and watch Netflix for 4 hours and say:

“I’ll figure it out later.”

“It’s too hard.”

“There’s too much competition.”

“I don’t have enough money.”

Okay if we were having this conversation ten years ago, then these excuses may have been acceptable (probably not).

There’s something in this world you love.

Don’t give me this BS that you don’t know what your passion is. What do you happily do now for free? I am writing this article for free. Money or no money I’ll be blogging. So, my answer is going to be blogging.

It’s that f*cking binary. If playing video games is something you do a lot for free then that’s your passion. Monetize it. Do it.

The social part of your passion.

As humans, we’re social whether we like it or not. Living our passion all by ourselves is for many of us an idea that’s worse than death.

“One of the reasons you watch so much Netflix is so you can talk about it at work on Monday with your colleagues”

You have the strategy to find your passion in the previous point. The strategy took me five sentences to write. Next, you’re going to need to make it social. Find other people that love the same thing as you and go all red-faced with excitement when they talk about it.

Search far and wide. No matter how obscure your passion is, there are other people out there that are crazy like you. Just like ideas are a dime a dozen, your passion is almost certainly not unique. Sorry to be the grim reaper and bring you this news. Someone had to do it, so it may as well be me.

And then there’s complaining…

If there is one thing I hate, it’s people who whinge about not being able to live their passion. They spend so much time focused on the problem and the challenges that they never get started with anything.

Complaining is for losers. At this point in our human existence, anyone of us can do something epic and tie it to our passion. Our friend Zucks (founder of Facebook) is even bringing Internet for free to the parts of the world that have none.

Your local library has the internet if you really can’t get it. There’s never been a better time to do what you love. All the tools are there. You’ll need three things:

–    Epic content that is uniquely you

–    A mindset that comes from embracing personal development

–    A solution to a problem. This could be simple such as entertainment for a bored person.

You already have the time to live your unique passion.

The word “busy” is thrown around like a toilet paper roll. People say the word now more than they greet people. It’s a default word that shows you are a 21st century hero that owns a smartphone and can surf the internet.

My question to you is this: “Busy doing what?” We can all use up our time. Heck, I can sit on the couch and chew up time.

“The only way to use your time correctly is to use a disproportionate amount of it on your passion”

That means whenever you have two options in front of you, you’ll choose your passion first in 99.9% of circumstances.

Quit telling me (and the world) that you don’t have time. You do have time for your passion if you make it the only priority and choose your passion. Achieving progress has never been easier and tracking progress is even easier again.

Stop standing in the way of your passions and putting other activities in the way of your dreams. You’re making these choices – no one else is.

Sustained focus must not be forgotten.

Even if you choose your passion, you’ll never achieve anything meaningful unless you focus. This means moving distractions out of the way and being unwavering in your pursuit to put the work in.

“All this passion talk sounds great. Throw in a few nice images with fists in the air and we’ve got a self-help party. It’s all pointless unless you embrace your ability to focus and reach flow states”

This will require you to go deep and invest blocks of time in one specific area. Let me give you an example. I have been posting my articles on lots of social media channels and experimenting with video, audio, interviews, etc.

I found that I wasn’t going deep enough in one area. Instead, I now have only two social channels and everything else has been removed. Twitter, in particular, was taking up a lot of time and producing zero results.

Outside of blogging, I was also reading a lot of books. This was draining my time and moving me away from my passion. I still read and believe it to be powerful but now I only read books that are phenomenal. Many of the books I was reading previously were adding no value to my life.

Reducing my reading time has given me more time for blogging which is the underlining passion I have. Even with a tough decision like doing less reading – which many say is the holy grail habit in their lives – you have to be brutal with your passion.

Making these uncomfortable decisions to focus at all costs on your passion is how you start seeing a return. That return, by the way, is fulfillment.

What starts out as one passion, can become something different.

That’s what happened to me. What started out as a passion for music and interviewing people turned into blogging about personal development and entrepreneurship. Part of the reason you may not be living your passion is that you haven’t embraced this concept.

Your excuse for not living your passion could be nothing more than a simple case of what I like to call “Mistaken Passion.”

You may be close to your real passion but not on the bullseye just yet. There’s no reason to have a mental breakdown and seek sympathy from your drinking buddy’s tiger. We’ve all encountered this universal challenge.

The key is to keep pivoting around your current passion like a tribal dance until you find the groove. Experiment around your passion with other closely aligned interests, people or social media audiences. Somewhere in all of the haze will be your true passion.

The only answer is yes.

Overcomplicating has become somewhat of a drug that many choose to indulge on to avoid taking action. The only answer to the question “Will I live my passion?” is yes. There’s no “maybe, perhaps in the future or I haven’t found it yet.”

The only answer is “Yes, I’ll live my passion starting from right now and I won’t stop until I find out what the exact formula is to my own passion.” There is no book or course you can take on passion. The only judge is you and passion comes from experience.

Rant on passion = over.

I don’t want to see another email or instant message about why you’re not living your passion. Whatever the answer is you provide about why you’re not living your passion is only an excuse. No one can stop your endless excuses except for you.

The only answer from now on is “Yes I am going to live my passion right now!”

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Aussie Blogger with 500M+ views — Writer for CNBC & Business Insider. Inspiring the world through Personal Development and Entrepreneurship You can connect with Tim through his website



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